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Posts from jim k, austin

jim k, austinjim k, austin
jim k, Austin

There are exceptions to my above comment, such as the recent vote in Massachusetts.

Jim k, Austin

It does seem as though we find the worst of us and send them to the Congress.

jim k, Austin

To paraphrase Washington," Government is not reason, it is force,and like fire it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master".

jim k, Austin

Perhaps that's why Bill Buckley said that he would rather be governed by the first 2000 names in the Boston phone book than the Harvard faculty.

jim k, Austin

Carlton is right. I used to travel for a company and carried 700 dollars or so in cash for expenses. Now if the cops stop you and find that you are carrying that much cash, they will confiscate it saying that it is the fruits of a drug deal. They do it all the time. It is now essentially illegal to carry cash in any amount over a few dollars.

jim k, Austin

Failure in Washington is NOT an unpardonable crime. When one of their idiotic liberal schemes fails, they just throw more money at it.

Jim k, Austin

Just what you'd expect from a far left liberal.

jim k, Austin

Money may not buy happiness, but neither does poverty. This is an accurate quote.

jim k, Austin

Reston, wrong again,at least you are consistant. Most of our problems come from socialist governments. Remember those infamous "5 year plans" they had in the Soviet Union. The government controlled farming and the people starved. As to global warming, more information comes out every day proving that it is nothing but a scam for politicians like Nancy and the gang to control everything.

jim k, Austin

It's said that the love of money is the root of all evil, perhaps, but the LACK of money runs a close second.

jim k, Austin

Speaking of schemes, how about these "stimulus " schemes coming from Obama, Reed, Pelosi, and the rest of the usual suspects. How this crowd can say they are saving or creating jobs, and say it with straight faces, is a mystery. Hitler knew that if you tell a BIG lie and keep repeating it, knuckle heads like Waffler and Reston will eventually believe it. Be sure and wear your hip boots if you watch Obama and his State of The Union address tomorrow. It's apt to get a little deep, if you know what I mean.

jim k, Austin

As usual,Waff and Reston just don't get it.

jim k, Austin

Our government creates most of the problems and then tells us they will solve the problems they create.

jim k, Austin

It's hard to imagine how that gang in Washington could decide what is "good for us". We need to be deciding what's good for us, namely voting 100% of the Democrats and 95% of the Republicans out in November.

jim k, Austin

Amen to all of the above.

jim k, Austin

We should cut Obama, Pelosi, Reed, and the gang some slack, they only lie when their lips are moving. And thank you , Massachusetts.

jim k, Austin

Free speech is fine with liberals, as long as you agree with them.

jim k, Austin

Robbing Peter to pay Paul is fine with Paul, until Peter runs out of money.

jim k, Austin

Not only Reverand Al, but Nancy, Harry,Barney, and the rest of the Bunch.

jim k, Austin

This is exactly why liberals would like to shut down conservative talk radio. Mustn't disagree with Obama, Pelosi, Reed, and the gang.

jim k, Austin

Reston, government is "the baser of humanities behavior". It's up to the people to control government, not the other way around.

jim k, Austin

Speaking of the "people", how 'bout those voters in the Bay State. Thank you Mass.

jim k, austin

Thanks J Carlton. I was looking for this quote the other day but couldn't find it. Thanks again for posting this accurate definition of government.

jim k, austin

Anonymous, why stop at the previous 20 years. How about since Abraham Lincoln.

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