[1201-1225] of 1832

Posts from jim k, austin

jim k, austinjim k, austin
jim k, austin

...and this nation of the bureaucrats, by the bureaucrats, and for the bureaucrats, will not perish from this earth, but will surely become a third world socialist country if we don't get busy and take it back.

jim k, austin

The Constitution was designed to protect the people from government.

jim k, austin

Perhaps the quote would better read, "government should have no other end than the preservation of property". Our government seems bound and determined to confiscate as much private property as possible.

jim k, austin

Simply read what Waffler says, believe the opposite and you will always be right.

jim k, austin

Don't we all breathe a little easier when Congress is in recess instead of busy passing more laws that take away more rights.

jim k, austin

J Carlton hit the nail on the head. There are busybodies all over the place telling you what you must and must not eat. Don't you dare eat anything with trans-fat in it and stay away from that awful movie popcorn or surely you will die. Stop eating anything that tastes good and you won't live any longer but it will seem a lot longer.

jim k, austin

Obama is going to "fix" everything that is wrong with this country. I suspect that after he gets done fixing the country, we will all be in a fix. To his credit, the "stimulus" bill has worked well. It has stimulated about two and a half million people out of a job.

jim k, austin

Never underestimate the power of ignorant people in large numbers. We found that out in the last presidental election.

jim k, austin

Well stated, J Carlton.

jim k, austin

Waff, thank goodness I'm not one of your children and I do have faith. I have faith that if this nutball administration gets away with everything they are doing, we will lose another million or so jobs in this country.

jim k, austin

Waff , since your hero was elected , we have lost two and a half million jobs, their figures, not mine. Sort of makes you proud you voted for the big O, doesn't it.

jim k, austin

Waff, I doubt that the quote has any thing to do with the Obama election. The election did not "abolish the former government". It's still there with all the bureaucrats that have been there for years firmly entrenched and wasting tax money as usual, only more so. Your comments are so absolutely nonsensical that I'm ashamed to even be responding. And remember, dinner at the rest home is served promptly at 6 so don't be late. You know how angry nurse Ratchett gets when you are late.

jim k, austin

"The People" not only tolerate the rascals, but will re-elect them. We see this over and over as in the cases of Marion Barry and Bill "Slick Willy" Clinton.

jim k, austin

A perfect quote that says it all.

jim k, austin

Bill,Chicago, the politicians DO understand this, and they don't care. They are mainly into power and re-election.

jim k, austin

To see where the Obamunist is trying to take us, watch the movie "1984".

jim k, austin

Everyone is intolerant, just on different subjects.

jim k, austin

Mike, I guess that some people are more equal than others. One negative question about Sotamayor and you are a "racist". But you weren't a racist if you tore Clarence Thomas apart when he was nominated to the Supreme Court. Democrat double speak is truly a thing to behold.

jim k, austin

Make one negative comment on a college campus about a muslim and all hell breaks loose.

jim k, austin

Don't you just love it when O-bum-a tells us that things are getting better while announcing another 400,000 jobs are gone. Since his election the stock market is down about 2500 points.One of these days Obuma is going to have to quit blaming the past administration and accept his responsibility in the mess we are in. He's like a spoiled child, blaming everyone else except the ones who are at fault. Let us hope that the Obuma honeymoon is about over and that his chickens are coming home to roost.

jim k, austin

Crackpot or not, Robert Welch was telling everyone that Castro was a Communist when the New York Times was selling him as an agrarian reformer. In the 1950s I had occasion to meet a number of Cubans who escaped Castro. One was a college professor in Cuba at the time Fidel took over. I asked him to compare Fidel with Batista and he said this, that compared to Fidel, Batista was an angel. Naturally, all the liberals at that time were in love with Castro and they haven't changed much to this day.

jim k, austin

And free to travel to the USA to get some decent medical care. Our medical care will go into the tank if president Goodwrench has his way.

jim k, austin

We are free to think, but be sure it's politically correct.

jim k, austin

Of course the EPA will tell you that the air is polluted and will place several hundred restrictions on you.

jim k, austin

Mike, Norwalk, ditto for me.

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