[1226-1250] of 1832

Posts from jim k, austin

jim k, austinjim k, austin
jim k, austin

Hoover started the great depression and Roosevelt kept it going for another 10 years.

jim k, austin

"The Unrestrained Will of the Majority", democracy in action.

jim k, austin

And now we need that protection more than ever.

jim k, austin

It boils down to rhe fact that the Bill of Rights was designed to protect the citizens from their own government.

jim k, austin

If Obama gets his current nominee on the Supreme Court, it will only get worse, much worse.

jim k, austin

Waff, a perfect example of government thuggery happened right up the road in Waco. Janet (the horrible) Reno sent the ATF in and wound up burning to death a goodly number of innocent men, women, and children. You have it backwards, as usual, the "locals" need protection from the "Feds".

jim k, austin

Bob Jones University is a little bit too strict for my preferrences, but it is a private school and should be allowed to make it's own rules. If a student doesn't like the rules they are free to attend another school.

jim k, austin

Waffler, Walter Williams is a brilliant man and I assure you that he has read and knows his history. You should follow this edict, namely , to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, than open it and remove all doubt.

jim k, austin

Ah Jim, The old ,worn out and has never worked scheme of "soaking the rich". The Dems have been singing this song for ages.

jim k, austin

don fleming, your comments are correct. If you ever decide to leave the cold winters and high taxes of Michigan, come on down to Texas. Mild winters and NO state income tax.

jim k, austin

Sargon is nuts to think we should turn anything over to the thugs at the UN. Waff, where on earth do you get the idea that the quote implies that the writer would gladly surrender constitutional rights in exchange for smaller government. If you knew anything at all about Hillsdale College you would know that your statement is ridiculous.

jim k, austin

Our Republic has morphed into a democracy which is too bad for us. How far we have gone down hill is illustrated by the fact that we elected a socialist for president, backed by Pelosi, Boxer, Franks, Reed , Biden and a host of other fellow travelers. As to American voters, never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers.

jim k, austin

"The poor against the rich", class warfare promoted by "progressives" and the battle cry is always "soak the rich."

jim k, austin

J Carlton and Mike summed it up well.

jim k, austin

When it all started, I'm not sure. But it certainly went into high gear with Lincolns war to create an all powerful , centralized government in Washington, DC. It continues today under Obama, Nancy, Harry, Barney, and the rest of the usual suspects. Our best hope is 2010 when we have a chance to throw some of the bums out.

jim k, austin

A great example is the "withholding tax". Once upon a time , for you youngsters, you paid your income tax all at once each year. Then we had World War Two and the Roosevelt gang came up with a beautiful idea to finance the war. Withhold the tax from each paycheck, a little at a time, instead once a year. Then we got that wonderful term,"take home pay".This was to be a temporary method of taxation and would end after the war. However, the Roosevelt gang figured out that taking the suckers money a little at a time was a great idea so we have this "temporary tax" is with us today. For you young people who have attended our public schools, the war ended in 1945. You probably didn't know this. The idea was not to take all their blood at once, just bleed them a little at a time and the suckers will hardly notice.

jim k, austin

Lincoln didn't care a whit about the slaves. This was a war of Northern aggression, pure and simple. The Emancipation Proclamation freed only slaves in states that opposed Lincoln. namely Southern states. Border states were free to keep their slaves. For a better view of disHonest Abe, read "Lincoln Unmasked".

jim k, austin

I'll go along with Mike on this one. We need to get the "progressives" out of both parties, maybe in 2010.

jim k, austin

One way to "take away the terror of crime" would be to get rid of our current drug laws. Drug prohibition like alcohol prohibition from 1920-1933 has created chaos in this and other countries. Check south of the border for one example.

jim k, austin

Dick, whether "military mucka mucks, whatever that means, or "rich and powerful people always curse government", has nothing to do with the validity of the quote. This quote is exactly on target.

jim k, austin

And there's always that nasty little item called "The law of unintended consequinces".

jim k, austin

Anonymous, centrist is just another word for leftist. You "centrists" always wind up supporting more government and more taxes.

jim k, austin

I think that Ann sums it up perfectly, just as she usually does. Obama, Nancy, Harry, Barney and the rest of the usual suspects should be forced to write this quote 500 times each day. And while we're at it, it wouldn't hurt for the Repubs to do the same.

jim k, austin

What a shame that we elected the crook, LBJ, when we could have elected Barry.

jim k, austin

Waff, read the last part of the quote, or have someone read it to you.

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