[1501-1525] of 1832

Posts from jim k, austin

jim k, austinjim k, austin
jim k, austin

Jefferson and Franklin would not be called "Christian" by the fundamentalist definition of the word. Jefferson had no truck with the doctrine of the "trinity" and Franklin doubted the devinity of Jesus.

jim k, austin

Keith, I hope you know that Lincoln was NOT a founding father.The South had every right to secede and wanted to. If it had been allowed to do that, the bloodiest war in history would have been avoided.

jim k, austin

I think it was Dickens who said that missionaries always leave a country worse than they found it. Probably a slight over statement.

jim k, austin

If a tree was allowed in a schoolroom, it would probably be called a holiday tree or some such name. As to what a teacher would say if asked why it was called Christmas, I doubt that the average teacher would even know.

jim k, austin

I can'tmprove on what Mike said.

jim k, austin

A little light in our congress would be nice, and unusual.

jim k, austin

Good for you, Ben.

jim k, austin

The "truth" to most of our present day politicians is getting elected and reelected.

jim k, austin

After reading about a great fish swallowing Jonah, the flood and all the animals getting on a wooden boat, Lot's wife turning into a pillar of salt, the creation story in Genesis, etc, I think that most Bible stories should begin with "Once Upon a Time," as other fables begin.

jim k, austin

Slick Willie gets all the credit for his "good" economy. After he was in office 2 years the Republicans won the House and Senate and kept it for the last 6 years of his term. Most Dems seem to forget this, wonder why.

jim k, austin

And we all know what happens when you ass-u-me.

jim k, austin

Very true. If you tell a big lie and repeat it over and over, people begin to believe it. Hitler used the big lie to great advantage. As to our local liars, Bill Clinton was the master.

jim k, austin

Patrick Henry is exactly right. I wish that our incoming president would pay attention to the past. He proposes a tax increase on businesses and a huge public works program. The public works stuff was implemented by Franklin Roosevelt in the '30s to end the depression which only made it worse. Our intrance into the war after December 7th,1941 ended the depression. As to tax increases, Obama should take a hint from the Chinese who are cutting taxes on businesses to spur edonomic growth and their business taxes are already lower than ours. Raising taxes on business people will drive down the economy lower than it is now.

jim k, austin

Mike, I love Groucho also.

jim k, austin

There are few people in Washington DC with principles and fewer in Chicago and Springfield. Of course, Obama didn't know anything about all this and it never snows in Minnesota.

jim k, austin

And the truth is that these bail out schemes are crazy and do not get to the cause of the problems. As to the auto bailout, lay the blame where it belongs, at the feet of the UAW. The chickens are now coming home to roost and it's taxpayers to the rescue.

jim k, austin

A little money to go with the truth helps me to pay the bills.

jim k, austin

If all the Knaves in Congress were Imprisoned,there would be a lot of empty seats in that august body.

jim k, austin

Waff, It's "Democratic Man", not "Democratic Party".

jim k, austin

We've all heard about that sweet old grandma who has never said an unkind word about anyone. If that is true, how on earth could you discuss Hitler, or for that matter, Jimmy Carter?

jim k, austin

Waffler, don't forget, you have to be back in your ward for bed check at 7:PM. Don't be late or nurse Ratchett will right you up.

jim k, austin

I believe it was Napoleon who said, "History is Lies Agreed Upon".

jim k, austin

LBJ is a prime example.

jim k, austin

And the family is growing.

jim k, austin

This brings to mind the so-called "Fairness Doctrine". A more accurate name would be the " Shut up the Conservatives Doctrine".

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