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Posts from jim k, austin

jim k, austinjim k, austin
jim k, austin

As to a recent example of controlled media how about the last election. The news media , with rare exceptions, was sold out to Obama. Nary a negative on B.O. ever made it to the TV screen or the front page.

jim k, austin

As the old saying goes,"Too soon old, too late smart".

jim k, austin

If Reed ,Pelosi, Barny Frank and the rest of that mob would take a long vacation, the economy would right it self in short order. The more they "fix" the economy, the worse it gets. We can't stand much more of their "help".

jim k, austin

Jefferson said it well. "Where the people fear the govenment there is tyranny, where the government fears the people there is liberty." Our government stopped fearing the people a long time ago.

jim k, austin

As usual, H.L. hit the nail on the head. This quote is exactly right.It's always governments that enslave and torture it's citizens.

jim k, austin

Dave has it about right. Check out flu shots before you get one, they contain mercury and anti freeze. Diet drinks contain aspartame, dangerous stuff. Have you noticed the huge number of tv ads pushing all sorts of prescription drugs? You might have this or that so see your doctor about taking this statin drug or whatever. Everything is a disease nowadays and of course you need prescription drugs for everything. Your friendly doctor will be glad to prescribe them for you.

jim k, austin

Our politicians have bankrupted social security, caused the mortgage debacle, given us a massive national debt, and now we are supposed to turn health (sick ) care over to this bunch. Go figure.

jim k, austin

Eric 1 Waffler Zero.

jim k, austin

Sort of reminds me of the latest government folly, I refer to the "Bailouts".

jim k, austin

Sounds a lot like what Obama has planned for the U.S.

jim k, austin

Benito and Adolph were not "rightwingers", they were leftists.

jim k, austin

Because local and state governments have taken so much federal money, they are now addicted to it. When the feds say jump, they ask"how high".

jim k, austin

Waff, it could also be the fear of what Obama brings to the presidency. His economic policies will make this economy look great by comparison.

jim k, austin

Amen to that second wand.

jim k, austin

Our government spends a lot of time and dollars doing things that should not be done at all.

jim k, austin

In justifying his murders, Stalin was quoted as saying "to make an omelet you have to break some eggs."

jim k, austin

The US Congress is a great example of this quote.

jim k, austin

Hitler and Stalin would be good examples of this, but you'd have to remove the word "good" from the quote.

jim k, austin

9 stars, my 5 and the 4 that Waffler left out. Compared to that bunch of Marxists running the House and Senate now, JFK was a far right winger.

jim k, austin

Watch the movie,"1984" to see this in action. Keep the people scared of an enemy or other danger, real or imagined , and they will give up freedom and liberty all day long, and do it gladly.

jim k, austin

Mike, I think you missed the point of the first half of the quote. Mencken said it was the "theory"of government to protect and foster liberty, he didn't say they did it, just the opposite. As to Waffler on Muslim holidays, why would we honor a group whose very religion advocates violence to anyone not a Muslim. Their founder belived you either convert or die.

jim k, austin

I suspect that most US citizens are more interested in safety and comfort than freedom. The recent election is proof of this.

jim k, austin

It's amazing that our economy has survived as well as it has with all the restrictions placed on business by the government. If our politicians would just get out of the way the economy would boom.

jim k, austin

A rare day when I agree with Waff, but this is the day.

jim k, austin

Since congress voted funds for the war, are you planning to try it for war crimes? The idea that Bush will be tried for war crimes is preposterous. Obama will have no need to give Bush a pardon as he will never be charged with anything.

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