[1701-1725] of 1832

Posts from jim k, austin

jim k, austinjim k, austin
jim k, austin

Archer, well said. Deep down inside, I suspect that Patrick doesn't really believe this stuff, but was probably raised in a fundamentalist church as was I. Keeping the "flock" scared is a great control mechanism and is used well in these churches. How fundamentalists can enjoy life is a mystery if they really believe that most of their neighbors and some of their relatives will burn forever.

jim k, austin

The religous leaders sure hated to hear that the earth wasn't the center of the universe. That was heresy and you could get in BIG trouble for that.

jim k, austin

Not according to the "Political Correctness" crowd.

jim k, austin

To Megan: I seriously doubt that God makes everything happen. If this is true, He's got a lot of explaining for the misery in the world that he made happen. Which reminds me of an Ogden Nash poem: "God made the fly, and forgot to tell us why." If God has anything to do with us mortals, which I doubt, he may allow things to happen, but He doesn't make everything happen.

jim k, austin

I love the truth, as long as it supports my opinions.

jim k, austin

Waff, I think you have Al mixed up with someone else and the real "dunces" are those that believe anything he says. Why anyone would believe anything that screwball says is a mystery.

jim k, austin

With stupid comments like that, I'd remain Anonymous.

jim k, austin

The term 'liberal" was becoming less popular, so the Libs changed it to "progressive'. I'm all for calling things by their right names, so let's call them what they really are. How about "socialists"

jim k, austin

A little "cheer leading" for our side would be a welcome change. Our left slanted media loves to report all the negatives with nary a mention of the positives. The one exception is talk radio.

jim k, austin

Waff, I'm trying my best to make some sense out of your message, but it ain't easy. I may not have quoted Al exactly, but he equated folks who oppose his "facts" with those who say the holocaust never happened. I try hard not to deny "facts", but I haven't heard many from Al, so there isn't much to deny if it's facts you're denying. Al isn't interested in any discussion on these issues since His Highness is the final authority.

jim k, austin

The more things change, the more they stay the same. In 1920, alcohol prohibition passed and some nut cases said that people would quit drinking and the country would become a utopia. This insane idea was the wind that reaped the whirlwind. And now we have the same idiosy known as "The War on Drugs". Our jails are bulging with non-violent people, drugs are cheaper and more potent, law enforcement agencies are corrupted,drugs are easily available to children, our cities have more crime and all because of this "War". If Capone was alive today, he would love the "War on Drugs"as a great business opportunity.

jim k, austin

Authoritarians know what's best for you whether they are from the government or the Sierra Club. Beware of these types and anyone wearing a badge, a gun and a uniform.

jim k, austin

Bible fundamentalists are good examples of this quote. They know the "truth" and those who preach something else are labled as "false prophets". The current crop of "enviromentalists" are another example of this. Al Gore said that those who doubt his version of "man made global warming" are equal to Holocaust deniers, case closed, no further debate needed.

jim k, austin

If a thousand, or a million people believe a lie, it's still a lie, and Waff, when did the haughty Al Gore suffer in silence. He's the biggest blowhard in the country. As to preaching his science, I wasn't aware that Al was a scientist. I must have missed that one.

jim k, austin

Waff, you better be careful of that "majority rules" stuff. The majority ruled in Salem and folks were burned at the stake.

jim k, austin

The current bamboozle is "man made global warming". It's mainly a bunch of socialists who have found a way to control the country, what you can eat, wear, drive, where you can live, etc. It's an easy Hoax to sell since bad news gets the media coverage. No government grants go to a scientist who says that everything is normal. Bad news sells and gets the funding.

jim k, austin

As it has been said, "The truth will out". Let's just hope it "outs" before, not after the Socialists have taken complete control of the country.

jim k, austin

Five for humor and thumbs down for lack of seriousness ?? Does that make a lick of sense ? Well actually, no.

jim k, austin

I think it was Mark Twain who said, " those who do not read newspapers are uninformed, those who do are misinformed.

jim k, austin

During the "Dark Ages", you could get your head lopped off if you said anything that went against the religous hierarchy.

jim k, austin

Warren, very well said.

jim k, austin

As to truth, you won't get much from inside the beltway.

jim k, austin

Good grief, Me Again, IT"S A JOKE.

jim k, austin

Kevin, you sound a lot like those folk who want to tell everyone else how to live. I think that we have a "clue", about you, at any rate.

jim k, austin

Our U.S. Congress proves this on a daily basis, and how about the guy who says that we won't need to drill if we just inflate our tires. He hit me right where I live and I'm not going to drive on flat tires anymore. It's exciting to think that we could have 4, maybe 8 years of this profundity.

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