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Posts from joe, somewhere in canada

joe, somewhere in canadajoe, somewhere in canada
joe, somewhere in canada

Well Stalin was clearly wrong, because America has never been a healthy body but a wretched thing hobbling on one leg and a wooden leg that got shot of by the british in 1812 and then an eye patch over an eye that got shot out by the vietnamese because America has never truly been a healthy body, but a dangerous wolf on a pirate ship sailing about with silly idea's and hypocritical laws that never work for everyone but the rich & greedy privateers that suckle off the teet of her sagging old british breasts = free masonism and the magna carta dream everyone in that had to bleed and die for. Lord Nelson was a hundred times more noble and they resemble each other but that wretch served a tyrant oh but wait America supposedly serves a God but i assure you it's not the bible God. I don't necessarily think thats a bad thing.

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