Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-7] of 7Posts from vedapushpa, Bangalore -Indiavedapushpa, Bangalore -India 1 Reply Vedapushpa, Bangalore -India 9/5/14 re: Horace quote Yes he is a free man who can command himself... because fpr doing the right things .. particularly when sorrounded by faulty thinkers one needs to 'command himself; in order to freely do the right thingss. 2 Reply Vedapushpa, Bangalore -India 9/4/14 re: William Lloyd Garrison quote It is indeed a human disgrace either to be ruled by others or oneself rule any other. We need to get ruled by the laws and only by those that are rightful and those that have been consented to by the society at large. Reply vedapushpa, Bangalore -India 12/31/13 re: John Adams quote Excellent Note! We the humans need it most now at this predicament of losing all human virtues as in the pursuit of some irrational coinage - that as a 'Secular Polity' which is causing such divide as between human intellect and emotion that the humanity has got paralyzed due to schizophrenia. !!!!! Reply vedapushpa, Bangalore -India 12/31/13 re: Peyton Conway March quote Real good 'realization' that our lack of happiness-freedom and peace of mind is precisely due to our 'preoccupation' with others' - either for denying or doling !!!!! Reply vedapushpa, Bangalore -India 12/31/13 re: Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton quote That indeed is the real religious pursuit as well - and it is best obtained by optimizing'' and not either exceeding or denying one's eco-socio-political needs. Reply vedapushpa, Bangalore -India 12/25/13 re: St. Paul quote Of both law and religion the ultimate value aimed at is amicability - love that is. Unconditioned respect and regard for one another. -- the failings of which - to be corrected and forgiven. Reply vedapushpa, Bangalore -India 9/21/09 re: Peter Abelard quote Truth is is the 'most fundamental fact' or the 'First Cause' of any issue under scrutiny which is necessarily required to decide one way or other upon the logical and moral veracity of the claims of the issue. SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print