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Posts from warrdoc, Elk Grove

warrdoc, Elk Grovewarrdoc, Elk Grove
warrdoc, Elk Grove

Ok, now that I am scared S#%&less out of my mind, what the f#$k do I do now?

warrdoc, Elk Grove

Good morning Mike, could you enlighten me on the reference of 537? I'm ignorant of this.

warrdoc, Elk Grove

were I to add anything to what has already been opined, would be redundant. Thank you, Anon, Archer, Mike, and RBESRQ

warrdoc, Elk Grove

I think what we should all remember, and a lot of us don't: the moment the constitution was ratified began the movement to undermine it. To my mind, that is why Thomas Jefferson said,"the remedy is to set them right as to facts. Pardon & pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. It is ti's natural manure."

Warrdoc, Elk Grove

Mike is right; this quote needs no explanation

Warrdoc, Elk Grove

Thank you, I have gained so much from this website

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