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Posts from Anon


Beware, In many cases shunning the bait to avoid the snare will place you in a greater struggle than you were in before.


Most of the so-called patriots in this country (America) would refuse to give up that loaf of bread in return of a crust. It boils down to the fact that they are unwilling to give up the material wealth they have reaped from the evil banking system they have come to know. This is the way our system will finally collapse, from so-called patriots who think they can have their cake and eat it too.


There are horses that have nothing to do with people, they are called wild horses and actually get out of an area where people are going to be. Plus I would bet on my horse that our forefathers had a lot of horse sense. Good remarks 'cal' and 'E Archer'


E Archer, that was what I was going to say and you beat me to it. Well done Archer!


If I was a fanatic, I would interpret that to lock and load and take it from there.


Great summary Mike. I'm with you,


The way we thought is that the lack of responsibility was the desire of all because it was wrapped up in the American Dream.


It's a matter of manners they're talking about here. If you keep your manners through any situation one might turn the tide at some stage which is where ever you happen to be and whatever the circumstance might be. Swimming can sometimes be easier than trudging through the swamp muck.


When people first feel the effects of slavery it's kind of like a blanket of comfort that, while the effects last, such as when the money keeps rollin in, the good ole government is the sugar daddy that keeps filling the money jar. However, when the tap begins to run dry through government waste, pork policies, bribery, graft and every other vile crime under the sun, the people have to give up more to make the crime machine keep running. Sorry to say, we're all on a machine that's eventually, if not already, falling apart and so now all are convinced we'll all have to fight it out between each other, or any of a dozen different ways it could go down, In any case the safety blanket is gone and even your own home has become a true life hose of horror because people are hungry, At least some people will have a chance.


Sounds like panic to me but it would be interesting to get the insight from those that are heroes? Or how about those that are traitors, what pushes these cowards or, suicide Killers to join at the back of the line and then go out and fail them. Even now it's the same question. Not one of these guys has killed or injured himself. Not one has attempted anything to even possibly kill himself? Why are they so slow to get things done. Failure after failure and the silent crowd have nothing to say, oops national security or tons of things they might be saying by accident and threats. Is the U.S. being taken by the silent witnesses?


Enough said Mike, The day for action comes ever closer.


Thought is the beginning of creation and the ffulfilment of the thought is creation.Therefore these rights are inalienable and only death has the power to rmove them from you


This example is Exactly why there is so much importance in speech. What do you have before you speak? your voice, so whatwould we call thoughts that cause a crime. Thought crimes. but you didn't get out of bed and simply think I will commit a thought crime today? No, with the best of intentions your firstwords are enough to start the progressive road to hell and that's about where we are headed for. Free thought, freepress freemovement freebreathing are exactly the rules that this man is delivering to us as a free gift from where they came from.


This example is Exactly why there is so much importance in speech. What do you have before you speak? your voice, so whatwould we call thoughts that cause a crime. Thought crimes. but you didn't get out of bed and simply think I will commit a thought crime today? No, with the best of intentions your firstwords are enough to start the


Upon second thought there is only one other piece of advice I can give. After hearing the truth in a way which one can't personally deny, thrust and parry, thrust and parry til you get to a spot where your"friend" can have a chance to think things over in silence..When people finally come to understand what's happenened to them in real life, then are they willing to do something about the mess.


Whats important cal is that you do slap them in the face. Personally I believe it's going to take a bit more than a slap in the face to make those who know about it, to do anything it. Unfortunatey people will still need a good slap and for sure they will still deserve a good kick in the ass.


I knew self administerd loathing had to be in there somewhere.


Waffler, where do they get off? probably just about anywhere they want to. The weapon to be used against govt is the vote? What if the vote doesn't work waffler?what if all else fails overnight. let's talk about all those enemies (foreign or domestic) who leave reasonably or just plain old refuse to leave


Waffler, would you consider forced abortions to control population? How about forced birth control after one pregnancy? How about forced birth control period? You know, you could even set up a lotto to see who gets to have a baby? Maybe you could start at the other end and set up a mandatory death age because the individual is past his usefulness to "society". Whatever your definition of socialism, it makes me sick to listen to egotiscal prattle that spumes from the so-called philanthropists mouths of our so-called intellectual superiors because I know it's 90% lie, 10% truth. Will there ever be a day when the majority will fall for all these lies? May our Creator help us then.


Good call Ken.


Socialism legalized is nothing more than legalized plunder and it makes a good stepping stone to total government control over free enterprise that incorporates for government protection from the irresponsibilities of CEO's. These bailouts give government the means to socialize industry to further its power and control over the entire country. A greedier lot there's never been that's ruining our republic today.


Social justice is not the same as justice derived from equality under the blind eyes of Lady Liberty.-------------Fairness or what might be the desires of a certain individual or individuals have no power over Lady Liberty as nothing takes preminence over the rights of the individual protected by the Constitution. Though it no longer works this way it is how it should be.


I disagree, If the quote had said it is the greatest "difficulty" to try to make unequal things equal such as equality under the laws that bind us together under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights up through the 12 Amendment as these documents are written first to limit the power of the federal government and secondly to name some of the greatest of all individual rights and then again to limit the feds in exactly what they couldn't touch at all. The problem we suffer today is that anything and everything under the sun is for sale and because we who were to watch for corruption as responsible members of our Constitutional agreement didn't. We were not taught this very first responsibility by our parents and our schools never taught it to us either. It is the greatest inequality to try to make some things equal but definitely not all things.


We must have liberty to know justice and we must have justice to know liberty. 5 stars


Under our government in it's current form, those you can't fool all of the time you just put them back in line with fear, and the fewer who still don't fear, buy them or eliminate them if they have any influence in waking people of the game that's being played with their lives. They do what is necessary and nothing is right or wrong to accomplish their goals.

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