Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-1] of 1Posts from Anon, WonchesterAnon, Wonchester 11Reply Anon, Wonchester 4/11/12 re: Josef Stalin quote Attributed by whom? My grandpa fought in the second world war and while eating he overhear General Eisenhower speaking with one of his deputy officers. He said "Go Nazis!" Now obviously this didn't actually happen. But if I were to go out and tell this to some hippie magazine they could publish it and it could become "attributed." So what we're asking is who has said that Stalin said this, and can it be verified. Anyone who knows anything about Soviet history know that the "spiritual life of the people" was alleged by the Soviet leadership to be a high priority of legislation. Issues of moral and aesthetic value are actually explicitly discussed in speeches and legal documents so it is unlikely that a reliable audience can substantiate this term. SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print