Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-2] of 2Posts from Anonymous, boone ncAnonymous, boone nc 3 Reply Anonymous, boone nc Anonymous (4/1/07) Freedom is a not a right but a privilege since many are born without their own freedom, so freedom must be earned and protected because someone is always more than willing to take them way your fucking moron, lets see how free you are without conservatives, 90% percent of the military and the other 10% is whining liberal bitches who join as a means of getting college money instead of serving their country or liberating the oppressed. Reply Anonymous, boone nc 4/1/07 re: John Stuart Mill quote I don't see how welfare has anything to do with this quote. War is far far uglier than anything on this planet - and it affects a far range of people, from the soldier to the citizen. Please take your false musings about welfare to an appropriate forum. As for freedom, everybody is entitled to it. Read the Declaration of Independence. You are BORN with rights that cannot be taken away - you don't have to "earn" them. The point of an standing army is to defend our interests in the world. You have NATURAL rights no matter WHAT is happening in the world. Besides, wasn't it JSM that said most conservatives are idiots? -- Anonymous Freedom is a not a right but a privilege since many are born without their own freedom, so freedom must be earned and protected because someone is always more than willing to take them way your fucking moron, lets see how free you are without conservatives, 90% percent of the military and the other 10% is whining liberal bitches who join as a means of getting college money instead of serving their country or liberating the oppressed SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print