Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-1] of 1Posts from Anonymous, iowa cityAnonymous, iowa city 11Reply Anonymous, iowa city 1/15/09 re: Lord Acton quote Good point Archer and shame on you warren, and btw the white MALE protestant bankers are not Jewish :) even though we don't know the banker's identities who OWN THE FED, I can bet they don't let women, jews, gays, or anything other than ....well I'm suggesting that they are nazis. I would also like to add instead of doing bailouts for these crooks, we could be INVESTING in our children and education system instead of being dumbed down and completely screwd in the future. too much information out there for warren and others (warren's a banker btw) not to take a genuine interest and realize that things aren't right, I mean really warren, can you honestly say, especially at this time that there's nothing wrong? SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print