Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-1] of 1Posts from Antonio, Cumming GA.Antonio, Cumming GA. 1 Reply Antonio, Cumming GA. 2/20/14 re: Sandra Day O'Connor quote "The primary objective of copyright IS to reward the labor of authors" It has nothing to do with the advancement of arts and science. Copyright laws protect an individual's efforts perseverance and dedication to a goal that the sets for himself once that product idea or invention is created is up to him to do as he whishes. Mrs. O'conor idea that an individual's productive means belong to the collective is truly frightening. Adam Smith's "Invisible hand" speaks volumes. I saddens me that our society finds it more repugnant to work for profit than it does to receive/accept stolen goods. The creator of anything has the right to profit from his creation and thus spawn other to emulate his drive, achievement, perseverance. SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print