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Posts from Billy, Tampa, Fl

Billy, Tampa, FlBilly, Tampa, Fl
Billy, Tampa, Fl

Helorat from Milton, I don't know where to start with you. I can't believe you're actually comparing a war to stop the barbary states of Africa from enslaving Americans and Europeans, more than a million of them, with a war of choice that was fought because of the narrow minded ambitions of a small group of people to bring the middle east into an American sphere of influence through the use of force. Its the historically ignorant perception of the world that is to predominant in the white house that has caused America's global standing to plunge from its historical zenith to its nadir, and its the historical ignorance of people like you who continue to allow them to do it.

Billy, Tampa, Fl

Mike lies in the clutches of Christendom who teach tithing, a believe with no scriptural substantiation, as a binding law that if broken will cause one to reap eternal punishment. Perhaps he should take into consideration the fact that there would be no streets leading to his church, or street lights to brighten the way without taxes. Or for that matter EMT'S to help him if he was to be involved in an accident on the way.

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