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Posts from Bob, Eugene Or

Bob, Eugene OrBob, Eugene Or
Bob, Eugene OR

It's interesting how socialists need to separate wealth and property from the virtues that create them. Namely responsibility and performance.

Bob, Eugene OR

We've crossed that bridge decades ago. That condo in China is looking better and better.

Bob, Eugene OR

I had a socialist tell me that my beehive is the ultimate Capitalist society. My Anarco-Capitalist friend said it was the ultimate Socialist society. -I'm pretty sure they're just bees. Anyhow, The only thing I want to hear from a Socialist, and we must remember that hitler was one, is their death-rattles.

Bob, Eugene OR

-and yet, the lives of the underclass in western countries are far more misirable that those of third-world countries.

Bob, Eugene OR

I've often wondered why lefty dirtbags hate this guy so much. I can't imagine they've ever actually read him.

Bob, Eugene OR

Meh. He's creating a reductio ad absurdum.

Bob, Eugene OR

And then it fails all over the world. At least the Russians were Commies that liked Hockey and Ballet.

Bob, Eugene OR

A good-sized gun helps too.

Bob, Eugene OR

Government is about guns. Try to make it softy-huggie-wuggie, and you get death camps. Always have, always will

Bob, Eugene OR

He might be roasting in hell, but he got that much right.

Bob, Eugene OR

However, private and free citizens can do better things. (Perfect score Al! Good on'ya!)

Bob, Eugene OR

...And then they all laughed as the new recruits rode a goat.

Bob, Eugene OR

Why do you think they call it "interest?"

Bob, Eugene Or

One has to remember that he was raised a Quaker.

Bob, Eugene OR

It's chilling to think that about 50% of America wants more of that.

Bob, Eugene OR

Reston, Human Beings ewith guns are usually treated better than the disarmed kind. While Ghandi is an absolute loon most of the time, he seem to have had his moments of clarity. www.eugeneunderground.blogspot.com

Bob, Eugene OR

Barry, we need you now! I wish Jimmy would shut up and build more houses. The country is evenly divided between people who want to live their own live and people who want their lives laid out for them. - an interesting dynamic!

Bob, Eugene OR

Good on'ya Jimmy! Even a broken watch is right twice a day!

Bob, Eugene OR

I am reminded of a certain inhabitant of a certain DC suburb.....

Bob, Eugene OR

Only 10,000? Where is this Utopia?

Bob, Eugene OR

This guy only wants the liberty to soak rich people. Good coment, bad source.

Bob, Eugene OR

Reston has something in its water supply.

Bob, Eugene OR

Reston. Heh, it sounds like "restin." He must work for the government.

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