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Posts from Brian D. Pickett, Tampa, Florida, USA

Brian D. Pickett, Tampa, Florida, USABrian D. Pickett, Tampa, Florida, USA
BRIAN D. PICKETT, Tampa, Florida, USA

This quote reminds me of a speach made by David Ben Gurion in 1965 in wich he outlined his (Israel's) plan for a future where all nations would answer to a World government in Jerusalem. He also pointed out that the Soviet Union would fall around 1987, and that the US would become the "police" of the world. PS. I would love to chat with Anonymous of Reston , Va Brian D. Pickett Sibelius168@aol.com .

BRIAN D. PICKETT, Tampa, Florida, USA

Could it be that these "one-worlders" like Kissinger, Busch I, Busch II, Bill & Hillery and others have fomented or allowed 911 to have happened? Doesn't sound so far-fetshed after reading Mr. Kissinger's quote. Does it? I would like to point out one more thing, that the quotes this morning are all by Jews. Why is that? Hmmmm?

BRIAN D. PICKETT, Tampa, Florida, USA

Oh...what a wonderful one world it would be if Mr. Morgenthau's plan for the future were to come true. Envision a future where the whole world shares. Those of us who are now Americans, Europeans, Australians and other white nations along with the Japanese will be forced to share our land, our wealth, our technology and our food with the rest of the world until we are landless, bankrupt, and starving. The rest of the world will share with us their plagues, their famine, their un-checked population growth, and their mud-huts with us. All this will happen while the "Morgenthaus," Anonymouses (of Reston, Va), and other neo-communists of the world get fat on our "blood". PS. Notice how fredoom hating scum like Anonymous never say who they realy are.

Brian D. Pickett, Tampa, Florida, USA

A terrific warning to those who would entagle us in foreign matters. The current political climate does not allow our leaders to consider the wisdom of Adams quote. Even if they were to hear they would not yield to such reason for they are not American in fact, but only, american by virtue of birth, caring not for their countrymen or their freedoms. They care only for maintaining the good opinions of their fellow "Internationalists", and serving the avarice of their masters. May they each find their place in Infamy, after they are hanged.

Brian D. Pickett, Tampa, Florida, USA

To the point, Elie. I would never think that I would find myself in agreement with anything that was uttered by such a lying and manipulative professional "Holocaust survivor" as Elie Wiesel.

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