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Posts from Bruce, 'Bama

Bruce, 'BamaBruce, 'Bama
Bruce, 'Bama

You have a lot of things wrong Archer. 1) The Fed does not print money. Only the Treasury of the United States prints money and only the US Mint Mints Coins. 2) The gold is not owned by the Fed Reserve but by the US Treasury. The US Government also holds billions of dollars of gold belonging to other nations. This stuff gets moved around daily, weekly, etcetera from one countries pile into another countries pile. This done at Fort Knox and maybe in some other locations. 3) We know a lot more about the Fed Reserve than who the chairman is; we know who all of the Board of Governors are and the Governors of the regional Federal Reserve Banks etcetera. 4) All industrial economies like Europe have a Central Bank (Federal Reserve) In Germnay it is the Bundesbank I think etcetera. Because of your distorted facts I hesitate to put any trust in your opinions on the matter of money, debt, macro finance, federal reserve. (Most of this stuff is taught in like high school, while it is a bit to handle the info is readily available.)

Bruce, 'Bama

Dave there is only 500 billion of that worthless paper and yet we have like a 20 trillion dollar economy. The economy is like 40 bigger than 500 billion can buy. How can this be?

Bruce, 'Bama

Generally speaking heads of states are called leaders. They are suppose to lead just as government is for better or worse the leader of society. Government is society in action like it or not.

Bruce, 'Bama

I don't understand you guys talk about money is debt. Debt is the lack of money is it not? Debt is when you have stuff you have not given money for yet. So if you have money (green under your mattress say) then it represents theft, from whom? If the fed did pay what would they pay you? Gold, eh! or maybe sea shells. If the gold or sea shells could pay for the stuff or your daily bread does that make it any better than the paper with which you can do the same thing? And the paper or electronic figures at the bank is so much easier to use.

Bruce, 'Bama

I don't see the word attributed Mike. Easy enough to believe it is Stalin but would he be that stupid to say it for recordation. Sounds like it could be folklore. He was a killer and dictator but was he a buffoon.

Bruce, 'Bama

I do not know what bank the gentleman deals with? I transfer money and get electronic deposits all of the time. Pay my bills that way also. Again those who count the votes have no authority but to count, they decide nothing. The only way they can decide anything is my miscounting. Their miscount can be a inadvertent error or an intentional fabrication. The quote therefore should say "THOSE WHO LIE ABOUT THE VOTE DECIDE EVERYTHING". I had a friend who said that he did know how anyone could play a game like golf where you keep your own score. I guess who could not resist the temptation to lie. Maybe we should get pro golfers to be Judges of Election. Most honorable gentlemen in the world.

Bruce, 'Bama

Only the land was stolen. If your idea of America is greater than property then the idea of America was synthesized or distilled from the wisdom of the ages. (PS. Louisiana and Alaska was purchased fair and square from people who stole it previously.)

Bruce, 'Bama

Only true philosophically if we think that all men are ignoble. Nietzsche said some men don't lie because it hurts people, some men don't lie because they get caught at it, but the noble minded don't lie simply BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT LIARS. Oh ! to live in a world of the noble minded. Stalin did not have to count in a one candidate, one party system. I have been a Judge of Election. Votes get counted pretty carefully in this country. Florida and Ohio obviously do their own thing.

Bruce, 'Bama

I think you are on the right track Sam. A substantial number of Americans are more than ready to stiff their fellow citizen for a dollar. I met a man that told me "We need illegal aliens because if we hire Americans they always ask for raises and benefits." This guy was like degreed in agriculture or something. I mentioned somewhere else about the expansion of US hegemony via NATO to Poland, Romania, etcetera, Now I read about a new base being built near Iran. The top planners are already trying to move American hegemony to protect Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia etc from the Persian hordes. And I presume the Arabs want this protection. "We the people" are on the bottom of the info food chain. I am not saying American hegemony is wrong, people of the world seem to want American style goverance or at least civilization. All people except the American people that is.

Bruce, 'Bama

Great! And the first rule of politics sadly enough is "who's ass or you going to kiss". The Iraq debate often centered on whether or not you liked Bush or tied your destiny to him not on the facts or ones own analysis. John Kennedy said it "Sometimes political party asks too much." We elect our guys to help us and guide us for a few years.

Bruce, 'Bama

Makes absolute sense because the alone guy has to be strong. Sometimes it is nice to have friends and allies and stand together. For a character building exercise try a week of backpacking in the mountians alone. Not only is it physical, but mentally challenging.

Bruce, 'Bama

The only title they forgot to give Nofziger is Humourist. Government is an always has been stupid. Read your histroy books and tell me of a government that has not been stupid. It is just like bosses, have we ever had a boss that was not stupid. What we need is a new grownup citizenry. As for hanging them it flies in the face of the philosopy of the West: Support Your Local Sheriff.

Bruce, 'Bama

Let me get this straight: Your enemies are 1) the communists (ps; they are virtually now non-existent) 2) The Federal Reserve (do you feel the same way towards all central banks) 3) the UN. Fast forward Dude. The Russians are no longer under control of communists you need a new wind mill to charge in order to justify your existence. The UN promotes world peace, between 1913 and 1940 a period of 27 years their were two conflicts called World Wars because they engulfed most of the caucasian inhabited world. From 1945 (the beginning of the UN) to the present a period of 62 years there has not been such a conflagration. You do not have to dig deeper you just need to use your head. Our government has been consistently invited to extend its influence or presence or hegemony further and further east in Europe via NATO. Poland, Hungary, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Romania, Bulgaria (I think) All want to be part of this "western European" alliance which is anchored in the United States of America. These countries certainly do not want this because the United States is some kind of mean, fascist, socailist empire wishing to do them dirt. I assume they want this because they see such a relationship as beneficial to them. In short Archer they want the kind of civilization that we have. Why does the prospect of our civiliztion make some people so happy but yet it makes you so sad. I just don't get it. (We did win the Korean War. Korea was divided at the end of WWII between a north under Soviet influence or hegemony and the south under the US. The north decide that they were going to take it all. The US said no you are not! The US objectives were sustained and the Norths objectives were defeated.) You throw out "dig deeper" all of the time but your shallowness leaves me flabergasted daily.

Bruce, 'Bama

I think I missed the main point. Not knowing how things are produced is no problem in modern society. Our every day existence is based on experience and faith. In addition we are blessed with a plethora of rules and regulations and tons of lawyers and courts, and insurance. All of these enable us to walk into any restaurant or business, buy any product, and expect to be treated with due dilgence by man and machine or we will sue the hell out of them and the machine owners. The blessing of having all these laws, recourses, rights, insurance, and lawyers, is that businees booms, because people have confidence in the machines, operators, owners, and the system. If the system kills us at least our heirs can collect. Justice in the End.

Bruce, 'Bama

This is phiolosopy for the poor and downtrodden only. The wealthy and priviledged never have had a problem with leisure or in avoiding work, they loved every minute of it. After all that is what golf is for. They may not not have had machines but hundreds of slaves or servants to attend to their every wish.

Bruce, 'Bama

WOW! So what are we all complaining about. We should be happy and rejoice that we have such rotten government in this country!

Bruce, 'Bama

MR RUSTOW'S 2nd sentence reads like this,******** "THAT IS THE GOAL OF GLOBAL GOVERNMENT AMERICA MUST GET OUT OF THE UN OR OUR SOVERIGN REPUBLIC WILL NOT SURVIVE."****** Adds a little bit of nuance to the first sentence. If one read his entire piece I wonder what the nuance might be. I would think we all owe him a second chance and should take back the communist, treasonous, fascist and all those other distasteful words we throw around so loosely.

Bruce, 'Bama

I still can't understand why you live here? I love the French, I am just stating a fact about WWI and Belleau Woods, they were wishy washy and are guys threw themselves at the enemy. There was a significant difference in attitude, espirt de corps etcetera. There has always been with American fighting men, and it comes from their idealism (or as you would have it from a magnifient propaganda machine)and therefore their benevolence toward their comrades (normally a communist term but also used among soldiers) units, and nation. That is the essential ingredient to the Americans vaunted command and control system which makes for military success. WE WERE NOT TALKING ABOUT THE GLORY OF WAR BUT ABOUT BEING MORAL AND BENEVOLENT. Please don't change the subject. I really cannot picture you fighting for this country, if I knew all of the stuff you think you know I certainly would not. I mean all you would be fighting for is a bunch of conspiratorial, fascisist, socialist, collectivist, one worlders, bankers, and government controlled propaganda machine. Archer forgive me for saying this and feel free to correct me but from what I have learned of you from your writing I cannot conceive that you have ever given of yourself to anything, anywhere at anytime. Hey Ken keep us up to date on the Canadian toilet. Fortunately to my knowledge none of us in this country have ever had to choose between having a glass of water to drink and flushing the toilet. I bet in some places they have.

Bruce, 'Bama

Mike my son was educated through 10th grade in private school. We went with TV for a number of years. It is nice to control your environment to suit your fancy. I still watch very little TV. Since you support public education may I ask how you think it should be financed? I ask because I am of the understanding that either you or Archer don't believe in taxes for such a thing, please correct me if I am wrong?

Bruce, 'Bama

Ken I would not be surprised if many throughout the world consider the United States of America to already be a world government. What with member states as far away from the capital city as Hawaii and Alaska, military installations all over the world. The Nations ability to go anywhere in the world in a short time to exert its foreign policy. But even more so due to its moral and benevolent leadership.

Bruce, 'Bama

Yeah, Mike the (....) was gratuitous BS. I was just thinking you know about the Big Tent concept versus a more narrow minded approach to things. What is a bigger tent than the world as a whole.

Bruce, 'Bama

But you will educate your children Mike, that I believe is a law! And are there no requirements a home schooler must meet as regards curriculum and proficiency?

Bruce, 'Bama

The American Nation put an end (or at least started the process) to religion, race, and ethnicity, and cultural difference, as a rallying point around which to thawrt brotherhood. Nationalism has been defined by some as a disease. Some have told me that Americans have no pride in these things "religion, race, ethnicity, culture". They think this because we are such a hodge-podge My answer "our pride and commonality is in the sentiments" of our founding documents. Religious, racial, ethinc, and cultural diversity, brotherhood and respect within a world at peace. There is an idea. (Sounds like a Democratic Party National Convention)

Bruce, 'Bama

My foreign exchange student argued with his German father long distance on the phone. One said New York was America the other said it was Chicago. I tried to explain to the student that New York and Chicago are America(n) but America is not New York and/or Chicago.

Bruce, 'Bama

Yep!. Because we are the government and have generally open access to its workings and proceedings we always have, and rightfully so, a lot to say about it. Major corporations answer only to their stockholders, and private companies answer only to their owners. If we could constanly "yell and scream" about the way Ford, Chrysler, General Motors did business on each and every issue of their operations wouldn't we really have a field day.

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