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Posts from Cheshirebobcat, Chicago

Cheshirebobcat, ChicagoCheshirebobcat, Chicago
Cheshirebobcat, Chicago

I'd be curious to know that date and source of the quotation. While there is much to be said for diplomacy-bashing, it seems we are in the minor leagues compared to most countries. If this quote was anywhere between WWI or before WWII, it seems the terms should be reversed: AMERICA was dragged into war by European and other nations not minding their own business. Let's see... who has a better record of not meddling? Germany, France, England, Italy, Spain, Austria, Hungary, Serbia??? Oh! Maybe that nice Ottoman Empire. Well, modern Turkey wasn't so bad, unless you were a Kurd or Armenian. And I've forgotten the Russians, Chinese, and Japanese, too. It's seems people mostly speak to us when they come begging for us to get them out of a jam started by themselves and those other peaceful nations "minding their own business" -- which business often involves invading neighboring countries or distant colonies. We are not perfect, but I'm somewhat surprise at Will Rogers, who early and accurately predicted Musolini's and Hitler's "privacy" habits.

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