Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-2] of 2Posts from Chris Morgan, Franklin, Pa.Chris Morgan, Franklin, Pa. Reply chris morgan, Franklin, Pa. 3/28/11 re: Mark Skousen quote Read your State or Commonwealths Constitution, you will find that most statutes, masquerading as laws conflict with what is written. Therefore they are not legitimate. I know Pennsylvania has one of the best Constitutions, however, big bussiness and politicians in the guise of protecting the people have really attempted to water it down. 1 Reply Chris Morgan, Franklin, Pa. 6/4/08 re: Friedrich Nietzsche quote Higher education is horrible today! I have Proffesors that tell me this and I have Proffesors that say education is great. The question I pose is this, am I getting a job skill one which I need school for or am I just putting the time in to show that I have discipline, if that is the case. Then 6 years in the Marine Corps taught me nothing. Great quote, but hey as God would most likely comment, " hey Nietsche, your dead too"!! SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print