Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [101-110] of 110Posts from Dave Wilber, St. LouisDave Wilber, St. Louis Previous 25 Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 9/14/07 re: Abbie Hoffman quote "Accordingly, all experience has shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they become accustomed but when a long train of abuses and usurpations evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty to throw off such government and provide new guards for their future security."---Declaration of Independence. Memorize those words, I did! Don't think that I am a conservative, I am an abolitionist. Did Jefferson suggest that we should conserve tyranny or abolish it? See above. 7 Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 9/12/07 re: Jose Marti y Perez quote "That you vote does not prove you are free, it just shows you are a slave who votes." ----anon One page by that anonymous writer should convince any literate person that we are slaves, Get 1 page or 5 from: There are hoards of "money experts" or fictional reserve fanatics who are not concerned about ending our slavery, they just want to change our masters. They insist that Congress should do what the Fed is doing. They are mentioned in James 1:8 If a few men have the intelligence to enslave us with strips of paper, can't they also have the intelligence to have an identical sytem ready for us when this one collapses? BEWARE OF THE "DEBT FREE MONEY" CROWD. The money we have does not represent debt, it represents theft! For a debt to exist, there must be intent to pay. What fool believes the Fed intends to pay? Their pernicious paper IS debt free! 11Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 9/8/07 re: Veterans of Foreign Wars quote I say that ANY national organization be it the VFW, NRA, NAR, ABA, AMA, ABA, American Legion, Girl Scouts, NAACP or whatever has the power to wreck Bush's New World Odor by teaching members and non members that the dollar is still by law, a measure of silver, taxes cannot be paid with checks, money orders or with dollar bills that the IRS said "are not dollars" and that no branch of government pays dollars of money to anyone which is slavery and Lincoln's contemporary, Horace Greeley said Loncoln's greenback system is "no less cruel than te old system of chatel slavery." For a few men to control the world with inflation, fear, lies, illusions, disease and endless amusements that inhibit serious thinking, the majority must not know that we are controlled, inflation is bank credit, government has no need for REAL taxation as long as the majority falsely believe we are paid with checks and as long as the majority will ridicule and punish the few who want God's Laws and the Constitution upheld. The New World Order is a collectivist world order that requires organizing the majority into groups, then by intimidating the leaders of groups, they will control the groups. Whereas the original Constitution never required us to do anything nor forbid us to do anything and it proscribed democracy in Art.4, Sec.4, the VFW and American Legion are both subversive in their promoting democracy, promoting an amendment that forbids flag burning and failing to tell members that the ten planks of Marx's Communist Manifesto were all enforced here by bankers, lawyers, judges, journalists et al BEFORE we lost 110,000 of our best in Asia under the pretext of "halting communist expansion." The Girl Scouts and other collectivised feminists promote Marx's 8th plank as the Equal Rights Amentment that if ratified would give women the same right to avoid conscription that men have, NONE! That plank calls for "Equal Liability of all to labor." While the National Treasury Employees Union has been for ten years, telling the world that fluoride is killing people, NONE of the organizations above are doing so and I believe none are warning us or their members about the hazards of cow's milk, aspartame, alum. canola, chlorine or MSG This is a nation of jet propelled, air conditioned slaves who are amused, confused, defused, diseased, divided and conquered as well as indoctrinated, intimidated, regulated, interrogated, incarcerated, vaccinated and decimated. "My people perish for lack of knowledge" Hosea 4:6 Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 9/7/07 re: Walt Rustow quote It is in the American interest to put an end to traitors like Walt Rustow and all others of his ilk. Reply DAVE WILBER, ST. LOUIS 9/7/07 re: William Lyon Mackenzie King quote GOVERNMENT BONDS? MERRILL JENKINS RAISED THIS QUESTION: WHY SHOULD THEY PRINT BONDS TO GET OUR PAPER MONEY WHEN THEY CAN JUSY PRINT MORE MONEY? THE OBJECT OF TAXES AND BONDS IS TO GET THE BUX OUT OF CIRCULATION SO THAT THEY DON'T CAUSE PRICES TO GET OUT OF HAND AND THE MONEY THAT KEYNES CALLED "WORTHLESS" BECOMES USELESS PAPER. Reply DAVE WILBER, ST. LOUIS 9/7/07 re: William Lyon Mackenzie King quote IT STINKS WITH A CAPITAL "S". THESE PEOPLE ARE FICTIONAL RESERVE FANATICS WHO INSIST NOT ON ENDING OUR SLAVERY BUT JUST CHANGING OUR MASTERS, THEY WORK WITHOUT DEFINITIONS AND CONTRADICT THEMSELVES AND ITS A RARE ONE WHO CONDEMNS LEGAL TENDER AS IT MUST BE CONDENED, THEIR "KING" WAS PASTOR SHELDON EMRY WHO PROMOTED ENSLAVEMENT WITH LEGAL TENDER. HE IS MENTIONED IN BIBLE: JAMES 1:8: "A DOUBLE MINDED MAN IS UNSTABLE IN ALL OF HIS WAYS" AND HE WAS NO CHRISTIAN! HE WAS A MASON. HOW DO WE KNOW? "BY THEIR FRUITS YE SHALL KNOW THEM!" THERE ARE FAR TOO MANY MISLED BY EMRY AND HIS ILK, LEGAL TENDER IS LEGAL SLAVERY AND WE CAN THANK LINCOLN FOR IT. HIS CONTEMPORARY, HORACE GREELEY, SAID LINCOLN'S MONEY SYSTEM "IS NO LESS CRUEL THAN THE OLD SYSTEM OF CHATEL SLAVERY." LEARN THE TRICKERY AND TREACHERY USED TO GAIN ACCEPTANCE OF LINCOLN'S INFAMOUS "GREENBACKS". CLICK HERE: WWW.MORPIX.BIZ/15 AND SCROLL DOWN TO: TREATISE ON MONETARY REFORM, HAD I NOT KNOWN THE AUTHOR, MERRILL JENKINS, I MIGHT BE ANOTHER FICTIONAL RESERVE FANATIC. 1 Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 9/4/07 re: United Nations' Loyalty Oath quote When presdents, governors, legislators and judges swear oaths under penalty of death to support the second most powerful force on earth which is Freemasonry and headquartered in London, what significance can oaths to uphold and defend the U.S, Constitution have? NONE! 2 Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 9/3/07 re: Humanist Manifesto, Article 12 quote "We have world government now (1979), our monetary system would not work if all of the worhld's bankers were not in collus-ion." ---Merrill Jenkins, inventor of the dollar bill changer, Monetary Realist and author of 7 books, some free on web. See: link valuable with no advertizing. more info: Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 9/1/07 re: Epictetus quote Free people do not have to perform for strangers. Free people do not fear their servants, they fire them! The distinction between free men and slaves is whether or not they are paid for their labor, The sole function of Lincoln's unconstitutional legal tender acts was/is to get labor without payment, Lincoln's contemporary, Horace Greeley said that Lincoln's system was "no less cruel than the old system of chatel slavery." Ask for: God, The Devil and Legal Tender, one page by Rushdoony. Reply Dave Wilber, St. Louis 8/10/07 re: Justice John Marshall quote To keep us believing that we still have a constitution, they keep mouthing the nonsense about the separation of church and state though the state would collapse without hoards of prechers mouthing "render unto Caesar", words that Jesus never said to us. Also we hear "priveledge against self incrimination" which is not in the Constitution. The most vital section, Art.1, Section 10 is totally ignored and this section determines who is master and who is servant. Previous 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print