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Posts from David L. Rosenthal, Hollywood

David L. Rosenthal, HollywoodDavid L. Rosenthal, Hollywood
David L. Rosenthal, Hollywood

Fine, but he only refers to the collection of taxes, and not to the misallocation.

David L. Rosenthal, Hollywood

Not one law should be ratified unless it is in accord with the Constitution. Not one amendmend should be ratified unless it is in accord with the reasons for which the Revolution was fought. No peace should be enjoyed until the Revolution is won, which it has not been.

David L. Rosenthal, Hollywood

Anyone notice lately how sympathetic Italy has become toward socialism?

David L. Rosenthal, Hollywood

Although taxes are misused and wasted, taxes will always be the source of revenue that pays the bills of government and pays for vital services enjoyed by the whole population.

David L. Rosenthal, Hollywood

Anonymous in Reston: Which schools did you attend where the rich and powerful were teaching students to be as ignorant as yourself?

David L. Rosenthal, Hollywood

Didn't he invent the Rooge Board or something?

David L. Rosenthal, Hollywood

It's a miracle!! Everybody agrees about this quote!!!

David L. Rosenthal, Hollywood

People have at least one responsibility for each of their rights. One of the functions of government is to force people to meet their obligations when they do not wish to do so. If you live in a society of laws, you either must obey them, change them, or abolish them. You cannot just ignore them, or you will end up in prison. As a society, we have arranged to take care of the needy, by taxing and redistributing revenues. If we do not give to the needy but to those who do not need, then we distort the arrangement and the law. If we give only to the needy, we follow the law. The law does not cease to exist when we ignore or deny it.

David L. Rosenthal, Hollywood

It isn't about forcing goodness, but about fulfilling obligations (real or not). That can be legislated.

David L. Rosenthal, Hollywood

Well, Henry was not a real sweetie, you know. Regarding the degeneration of Micronesian society and traditional self-sufficiency, largely due to influx of CARE packages and televison sets, Henry responded, "So what...there are only 90,000 of them." Face it, to run things at the presidential or international level, you have to be an SOB.

David L. Rosenthal, Hollywood

One thing is to intend, another thing to achieve. Totalitarians have been forming international alliances, and mouthing off about bringing down the American Empire. But most of them don't have the capacity to deal with 100 megatons from the sky. There are mre than 50 U.S. congressional representative registered as members of socialists parties. Many of them are friends of Castro or Chavez or Ortega. Many of them want to take away your guns. Many of them are anti-religionists. Ultimately, there will be war. And they will lose. But who will win? Remember to pray, and remember the hail and fire.

David L. Rosenthal, Hollywood

2 Thessalonians 3:10-12 (New International Version) (10) For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: "If a man will not work, he shall not eat." (11) We hear that some among you are idle. They are not busy; they are busybodies. (12) Such people we command and urge in the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and earn the bread they eat. http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2%20thes%203:10-12&version=31 OK. Now you do not have to "work." If you want to see the other translations, or read it in the original languages, work. If you want to argue about the meaning, argue with someone else. If you want to argue in favor of a crucial difference between Christian and Pauline doctrine, I am not interested. Where I have been, quite a few places, people do not differentiate in that way. You go on, though, if it makes you happy.

David L. Rosenthal, Hollywood

Whatever you say. I am not in the business of convincing people to believe what they do not wish to believe. It is a simple issue: It is in the Christian scriptures. It is accepted by professing Christians as scriptural. You do with it what you like.

David L. Rosenthal, Hollywood

Terry: Maybe you missed it above: Read the Second Letter of Paul to the Thessalonians, chapter 3, verses 10-12. Also see the First Letter of Paul to the Thessalonians, chapter 4, verse 11. Then you will see that I was not making it up.

David L. Rosenthal, Hollywood

Read the Second Letter of Paul to the Thessalonians, chapter 3, verses 10-12. Also see the First Letter of Paul to the Thessalonians, chapter 4, verse 11. Then you will see that I was not making it up. And?

David L. Rosenthal, Hollywood

Whatever you say. Of course, if you really wanted to know, you could go to a Bible website and have the answer in no time. If you prefer to believe I am making it up, keep on believing.

David L. Rosenthal, Hollywood

Are you boys inbred mountain folk or what? You seem to find it a great challenge to differentiate between staements of opinion or fact and preaching a religion. Does this have to do with ignorance or envy?

David L. Rosenthal, Hollywood

(1) We agree on George Washington. (2) You are wrong about my ideology. (3) The social security fund was designed to be independent of the general fund, inviolable by the very ones who later raped it into failure. Those responsible for its failure are our elected officials, who remain immune from prosecution. (4) The circumstances and conditions of Washington's time were not those of today. Washington today would not support commerce with the tyrants with whom we do business.

David L. Rosenthal, Hollywood

Since the United States is so far ahead of the abusive regimes, as it certainly is, in supporting workers' rights, then there is really no danger of being censured by those regimes. The standard is required to highlight the utter failure of the rulers of more than a third of humanity to respect the rights of humanity. Once again, I promote the destruction of the UN. But I advocate the standardization of rights for the reasons I have already given.

David L. Rosenthal, Hollywood

Rosenthal is not a thing that Archer can comprehend. Christian doctrine promoted the type of compassionate assistance to the truly needy (almost 2,000 years ago) that socialists recently claimed as their own invention. The difference is that socialists want the rich t support the "poor", while Christian doctrine plainly states that whoever is able to work, but who refuses to work, should not eat. Christian doctrine promotes supporting principally the elder widows and younger orphans, who cannot fend for themselves, and for those who are otherwise unable to work. Whoever claims to be a "Christian Socialist" is making an absurd statement, since Marx qas atheist and promoted atheism and the dethroning of God. You really cannot be a socialist and a Christian. Rosenthal trusts politicians, preachers, and Internet pundits as far as he can throw them.

David L. Rosenthal, Hollywood

Archer: Stop assuming things about me, and using them to criticize me, when you have no clue as to what I worship or what I ultimately promote. I like to think I promote justice. And I do not worship credit. You have heard the term ad hominem attack? Try to avoid it.

David L. Rosenthal, Hollywood

I do not support the UN. I openly and publicly advocate that we destroy it. But it remains a fact that the articles of the Declaration are overwhelmingly reasonable. "Social services" is just a term for a measure that existed before socialism and that is completely compatible with the idea of civilization. I am not talking about a free ride for bums, but necessary services to the elderly or disabled. And workers' rights must be protected to avoid severe abuses, such as have existed in industrial societies. It has little to do with socialism.

David L. Rosenthal, Hollywood

Archer: You avoid the questions. Is it because you cannpt answer them? What you object to are reasonable measures. I do not agree with financial support of bums, but services to the disabled and the elderly did not originate with socialist rhetoric. My questions were specific; your avoidance is general.

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