Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-1] of 1Posts from Devon, new castle kyDevon, new castle ky 15Reply Devon, new castle ky 10/4/13 re: Nikita Khrushchev quote Its sad how many people on here claim that communism is bad. They don't know anything about it. I assume if you came from as poor of a family as me you'd understand, but I can't expect the bourgesie to. If am a god loving, and people loving individual. We as America, the richeest nation in the world, still have starving and homeless people, all because the owners of some buisness don't have enough millions in their pocket, so they pick up and leave. So families like mine would be dead if it weren't for socialist type programs. I want you to know that trying to stop the socialist type programs here in the united states, you'd kill as many people as "communism" has in a short time, but keep using the fact that you're older to push your political agenda. SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print