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Posts from Editor, Liberty Quotes

Editor, Liberty QuotesEditor, Liberty Quotes
Editor, Liberty Quotes

Dear Teddy B: We here at Liberty Quotes value differing opinions and encourage open dialogue -- obviously we have the ability to delete posts we don't like; however, we prefer to hear what everyone has to say (even when we disagree). We will soon be implementing a discussion blog for topics like Fascism in America, the Constitution, Democracy, Tolerance, Ignorance, etc. to further discuss these ideas outside of the Quotes feedback sections. I encourage your participation and discussion; however, there may be topics you will not wish to hear (as you have made clear from your original post). I invite you to share your opinions without requiring the censoring of others. You have made it clear that your support (e.g. passing on quotes to others, remaining subscribed to our list) is dependent on never including quotes by or about Hitler. I am sorry that we cannot honor your 'request'. Instead we invite you to consider that to habitually ignore certain things is to practice ignorance -- and to encourage ignorance in others is the exact opposite of what we are trying to do.

Editor, Liberty Quotes

Teddy B: We provide these quotes as food for 'free-thought', and you have the option to subscribe to daily quotes or not. Since we sell nothing, there is nothing to lose except people who do not want to hear it any more. In fact, if we did depend on your financial support, we might then be forced to choose quotes more politically correct for our sponsors. Thankfully, that is not the case. As far as Hitler goes, there are just too many disturbing similarities between Hitler's policies leading to the takeover of Germany and what is happening in the world today -- particularly in America. There may be some who wish to close their eyes and ears to this fact, but we at Liberty Quotes simply cannot. Personally, I do not think we have talked nearly enough about Hitler, the Nazis, and fascism -- are Americans any more prepared to resist fascism at home than the German people were in the days leading up to Hitler's seizing of Germany?

Also, Teddy B., thanks for demonstrating so well the tactics of someone who wants to shut someone else up. Despite having been 'warned' previously by Teddy, we have had the audacity to continue to publish according to our dicatates. This somehow is an insult to someone who not only doesn't want to hear it any more, but doesn't want anyone else to hear it either. Interestingly, it seems Teddy B. is not just interested in censoring us but also in withdrawing his financial support (which, er, is zero) -- he can't figure out how we operate our service but if he could cause us financial harm, he would be pleased. Is this what freedom-loving people do? Beware folks, we have seen the enemy, and it is us.

Editor, Liberty Quotes

The source of the MLK quote is the speech given in 1963. There are MANY quotes by people who have taken 'liberties' with old quotes, and we do not attempt to refute every one of them. We have the Archibald Carey quote in our db, too, as per E Archer's comment above. We have added the link to the source field.

Editor, Liberty Quotes

There are few topics that draw more emotional criticism than those on religion. This quote was originally categorized as 'questionable' as it was without a verifiable source -- though a popular quote found on the internet. Thanks to Logan of Memphis, TN for the actual wording. The quote has now been tagged as false, and the accurate version has been posted. I would also like to remind those critics of God and the Bible in American government that the Bible has always been in Congress, and many founding fathers credited it as an indispensable guide to virtue -- although many did not subscribe to the divinity of Jesus, the Pope, the King, etc.. As many of the long-time subscribers to daily Liberty Quotes know, we like to be provocative, and this quote is no exception. ;-)

Editor, Liberty Quotes

Jim, If you can provide a source and citation, we would be happy to make changes. Thanks.

Editor, Liberty Quotes

Ooops. Date of death changed - 1850. Thx

Editor, Liberty Quotes

Madison is referring to a bill to subsidize cod fisherman introduced in the first year of the new Congress http://www.barefootsworld.net/nortonuc12.html

Editor, Liberty Quotes

[Note from the Editor] We endeavor to provide as much information as we can about each quote. With the help of our readers, we often get more info. Please feel free to join us in researching the authenticity and accuracy of our quotes. Never-the-less, we publish quotes that we like -- it often does not matter who said them -- what matters is what is said.

Editor, Liberty Quotes

[Note from the Editor} We endeavor to provide as much information as we can about each quote. With the help of our readers, we often get more info. Please feel free to join us in researching the authenticity and accuracy of our quotes. Never-the-less, we publish quotes that we like -- it often does not matter who said them -- what matters is what is said.

Editor, Liberty Quotes

We do our level best to cite all quotes. Whatever we know about a quote, we send in the Quote-A-Day email. The source has been updated. Thanks.

Editor, Liberty Quotes

Yes, the Daily Quotes have been lengthy the last two weeks, and only one quote has been included per day instead of the usual three. This is the last of the long quotes for a while. There are some points that cannot be made by reducing them to sound bites. The last 10 quotes sent out are among our personal favourites, and we have been waiting for an opportune time to introduce them. Enjoy! (I do not usually rate quotes with my notices, but since this is one of my favourites, I will give it a 5.) Hey, John Henry, don't let the length prevent you from memorizing any of the last ten quotes and reciting them in conversation -- you would stimulate some very lively discussions! Cheers.

Editor, Liberty Quotes

Here is a layman's translation: "The US Constitution is a law for rulers and people, equally in war and in peace, and protects all classes of people, at all times, and under all circumstances. No policy, involving more deadly punishment, was ever imagined than suspending the constraints set down by the Constitution during any of the great urgencies of government. Such a doctrine leads directly to lawlessness or tyranny, and the alleged necessity on which it is based is false; because the government, within the Constitution, has been granted all the powers it needs to preserve its existence; as has been happily proved by the result of the great effort to subvert the just authority of the Constitution."

Editor, Liberty Quotes

Here is Jefferson's Inaugural Address in its entirety. I hope Lynn from MT will read it along with the rest of Jefferson's letters and speeches. Jefferson not only correctly predicted America's future, he warned us about it.

Editor, Liberty Quotes

Of course we have an agenda -- promoting Freedom and the Responsibility that goes along with it. Each week of daily Liberty Quotes covers a particular theme. Check the quote Categories above for other quotes in the same vein. As far as Pataki goes, it is difficult to quote a politician -- even if they speak profound truths, they do so for their own purposes.

Editor, Liberty Quotes

Very well, J.D., if you are quoting de Tocqueville, do your homework. There are thousands of quotes on this site -- pick one of his actual quotes if you wish de Tocqueville to back up your claim. He never said what you attributed to him either.

Editor, Liberty Quotes

In defense of Bill Bonner, this quote was spoken with tongue-in-cheek as he is an adamant supporter of hard currencies and an honest money system. Until we turn away from fiat money, his statement is absolutely true. Even if America were to return to hard currency, 99% of the rest of the world's currencies will be fiat -- remember Grisham's Law: Bad money replaces good.

Editor, Liberty Quotes

Regarding the "America is great because America is good" quote mentioned above by Steve (Raleigh, NC) & John-Douglas (Nassau), de Tocqueville never actually said it -- it is a popular false quote though.

Editor, Liberty Quotes

Thank you all for your feedback. The correction has been made.

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