Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Comment on this quote Share via Email Print this Page William Hazlitt Quote “The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves.” ~ William Hazlitt (1778-1830)Political Essays (1819). 'The Times' Newspaper Freedom , Liberty , Love , Power , Respect Ratings and Comments 5 Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/26/07 Contrary to what Billary will tell you, this is a true statement. How could we possibly live in a society where we expect our rights and freedoms to be respected and honored without offering the same to others? Liberty breeds a healthy environment for everyone. And those who require life long government handouts should just move to France. (Not Inc. the disabled) 4 Reply Mike, Norwalk 12/26/07 ok, I like it. 6 Reply warren, olathe 12/26/07 Liberty does not work if we do not take responsibility to rule ourselves. Billary gets power from people's lack of responsibility. 21Reply Anonymous, Reston, VA US 12/26/07 It is amazing to me how some of the posters here can turn what is a powerful message of hope and thought for the needs of society into a hate statement against those of society who are less lucky than others and need society's support. It is doublely bizzare that one of these attacks against liberal US polititians comes from what appears to be a resident of Canada who is telling people (not clear of which country) to move to France... that is a logic only one of the ilk of King George W or his jestors could come up with... at least we agree on the quality of the quote, though it is fairly clear that the other poster must not really get the full meaning of what it says... 4 Reply E Archer, NYC 12/26/07 Reston's got a point. Today's politics is about POWER pure and simple -- and GWB/Cheney and Co. are perhaps the most abusive of Executive power I have ever seen in American history. The Klinton's are no less to be feared for they will oppress us for our own good, too. The quest for power will always have to be dealt with else we will have Kings and Pharaoh's once again. 21Reply RobertSRQ 12/26/07 Right on Reston - why ruin a perfectly good quote with political rhetoric... Occasionally history has provided benevolent dictators but they are few in number. 3 Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/26/07 Anonymous. I am an American living in Canada. One of the many nations greatly effected by US foreign policy. France is a socialist nation...its one of a few destinations for the socialist minded as far as I'm concerned. And there is no hate in my message...just reality. America is going down the tubes... Reply Anonymous 12/26/07 21Reply RobertSRQ 12/27/07 I thought Canada is a socialist state and France a Republic 5 Reply Editor, Liberty Quotes 12/27/07 Just a clarification since is based in Canada. Canada is a Constitutional Monarchy -- it is not a socialist state per se. I would also add that while the USA was established as a 'democratic-republic' it has everything a socialist state has except a formal national health care system. It has implemented welfare, farm and corporate subsidies, a central bank, progressive income taxes, and many other planks of the Communist Manifesto. Canadians may have national health care and a public safety net second to none, but they are not hypocritical about the nature of their government -- contrary with the US. Keep that in mind when the urge to bash America's largest trading partner exceeds the American desire to preserve the principles of Liberty and Independence. Canadians are about the kindest people in the world -- and they happen to admire the Freedom that Americans take for granted. Oh, and they have never burned down the capital of any sovereign nation -- that is except for Washington, D.C.. Cheers! 4 Reply Judith, Corrales NM 12/28/07 Unfortunately we do not seem to get anyone in high office who is not a power monger and is not connected to wealth, either by family or by influence. Kuchinich's and Ron Paul's of the world are suppressed by media so the mainstream sheeple have no knowledge of him or what he stands for. It does not look good for America, and I respect the Canadians immensly and sympthize with their proximetry. Does Canada not know that Bush and Canadian and Mexico leaders are forming an alliance, and eventually we will be renamed? What are the Canadian people doing about it?? We must work for liberty or we will all lose it. 3 Reply Mike, Norwalk 9/20/17 It is an extremely accurate observation so, I up my previous comment to I like it A LOT ! Reply Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 1/8/25 This quote, for me, needs some more clarification, perhaps from, sadly Mr Hazlitt is reported deceased, Mr. Hazlitt's demographic representative. It does seem apparent, also from my perspective, that most represent a demographic and not an individual independent stance. SaveOk2 SaveOk2 View CommentsClick to view or comment. Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print This William Hazlitt quote is found in these categories: Freedom quotes Liberty quotes Love quotes Power quotes Respect quotes About William Hazlitt Bio of William Hazlitt Quotations by William Hazlitt Books by/about William Hazlitt William Hazlitt videos William Hazlitt on Wikipedia Astrological chart for William Hazlitt