Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-4] of 4Posts from Gary Bell, Jericho, VermontGary Bell, Jericho, Vermont Reply Gary Bell, Jericho, Vermont 8/16/11 re: Jean de la Bruyere quote I think that Jean de la Bruyere was able to live from 1645 to 1969 because he ate a great deal of his cheese. Reply Gary Bell, Jericho, Vermont 7/27/07 re: Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. quote ...and you might add, as Holmes did, possibly in a different context, "...and experiments fail." I've lent the text in which this was quoted, but it can be found in "The Metaphysical Club" by Louis Menand. Reply Gary Bell, Jericho, Vermont 1/23/06 re: Plato quote Who am I to rate Pluto? However, I feel free to rate this particular one against his others; but, first, I must commend you for presenting the most enjoyable part of my online day. Well done in all ways! Today, compared to all others of recent memory is the weakest. After all, when there are thousands of quotes, there must be the best and worst...however, as I stated initially, who am I to rate. How about Plato's quote that went something like a clever person was he who invented God, or was it if God did not exist, we would have had to invent Him? 21Reply Gary Bell, Jericho, Vermont 3/10/05 re: Robert Welch quote The more often we hear/read such complete common sense, the greater our appreciation of the great thinkers. However, with that knowledge comes the realization of how close we, as a country, are coming to complete Socialism SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print