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Posts from God dam mad, Tallapoosa georgia

God dam mad, Tallapoosa georgiaGod dam mad, Tallapoosa georgia
God dam mad, Tallapoosa georgia

I think this country should be torn down and .started over like it was during the 1800,s .Except for slavery. Maybe even back to the ways of the indians. Before oil , before insurance, before the rich 1 percent took control. I do not like setting down and watch mila tray cops busting into peoples homes, I do no like being told I half to weir a helmet or set belt because of insurance companys. I think anyone should be able to do anything he likes including killing himself.taking drugs. Or what ever he wants as long as that person has to except the effects of his actions. I don,t think there should be credit . Wefair , social security, or anything that makes anyone half to answer to another person . Until that person tryes or hurts another person because of his not wanting to face his demons.it's all on him. I don,t believe in prison , I believe in exacustion. And slavery of criminals who try and pass their problems on To another person by stealing, rape, child me lest at ion , murder, . I don't believe a person should be able to use mental illness as a excuse. I really want to go totally back before we had all these bulls hit excuses lawyers have come up with.

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