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Posts from Jackie, Springfield

Jackie, SpringfieldJackie, Springfield
Jackie, Springfield

The Government is only an extension of who we really are. It is not a dictatorship, nor is it in anyway shape or form to become a "big daddy" taking care of his children. We the people are the Government as so stated in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We tell the Government, the government doesn't tell us how to live, that is our inalienable right as Free People. It is time we stood up to these (people) and proclaimed our rights as human beings. This is our country not a few who think they know everything, they do not. Will we the people ever learn that this is our country and if we really want a country that is for the people in every way, we must speak out? Quit being a bunch of ninnies crying out. We have everything at our disposal if we will only get off of our lazy butts and do something productive, like creating the jobs we so desperately need, letting go of the big banks and corporations that have looted us to the point of almost no return, but there is a return and it is up to us to start to take charge. Yes there are some who want their diapers changed and hand fed, they will have to learn the hard way, so be it. As for the rest of us we can do it so stop believing all the lies and corruptions that have been lalid in place by our dictators, they will silently steal away to wherever. Doesn't matter where they go for we have the Power to do this together in honesty and straightforwardness, no more deceptions and above all no more wars, not necessary anymore.

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