Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-1] of 1Posts from James Rodgers, Dupont CircleJames Rodgers, Dupont Circle Reply James Rodgers, Dupont Circle 3/9/10 re: George Washington quote Tyranny never serves us. By us I mean the vast majority of business and people's interests. This is a falsehood. We were in South America murdering and repressing people because psycopathic morons took bribes from the US Banana company. We are in Afghanistan because a few benefit at the expense of nearly everyone else. This manufactured recession is the product of Bush and mostly Obama printing 18 trillion dollars and not distributing it to US business but to a few banksters who in turn paid them off and helped win their offices. It is the very few who are hijacking our democracy at the expense of nearly everyone else. And contrary to popular misconceptions we also have less wealthy people than ever before. In fact in 1975 dollars we have less millionaires and shudder to think we have less billionaires. The very very few not even the so called 1 percent even less. We are hijacked by self-serving morons and if we let them they will completely destroy our entire nation and all we have built for all these many years. What I hate is so many on the so-called left just repeat what are lies generated by these band of criminals. O'Bomba is as much a crook as Bush was if not more. We need to spend at least 5 hours a day sorting through what is actually going on. And make a pact with our self not to be brainwashed by the crooks through CNN and Fox and MSNBC(to a lesser but very complex extent they too are engaged in massive deceptions). SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print