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Posts from Jim K, Austin

Jim K, AustinJim K, Austin
jim k, Austin

For a good example of this, look do farther than Washington D.C.

jim k, Austin

One of many definitions of faith, believing in something when there is no evidence to support it. Having faith that our government "is here to help you" is another definition of insanity.

jim k, Austin

RBESRQ, wrong again, and don't you libs have any sense of humor.

jim k, Austin

RBESQR, bed check is at 9PM so don't be late. You know how cranky nurse Ratchett gets when you show up late.

jim k, Austin

Thomas Paine was a truly great American. It's interesting to note that some of the fundamentalist preachers of his time branded him as an Atheist. This, of course, was not true as Paine was a Deist as were Jefferson, Franklin and others of our founding fathers.

jim k, Austin

I would like to hear the thumbs down on this great quote explained by Anonymous.

jim k, Austin

Justin, you are correct that Carter is now the second worst president since Obama is now in first place. Quite an accomplishment in less than two years. Since it's an ill wind that blows nobody good, he did keep Hillary out of the White House.

jim k, Austin

Thomas Paine was as responsible as any one person in keeping the American revolution from failing. His pamphlets on freedom kept it alive.

jim k, Austin

...Or ruining the country.

jim k, Austin

And now we have liberal jackasses like Pelosi and Reed running the country .

jim k, Austin

It's nice to know that Waffler is smarter than Thomas Jefferson. Waffler, get someone to read you the quote before you write such gibberish and nonsense. This quote is exactly true to anyone whose IQ is greater than his shoe size.

jim k, Austin

The U.S. Congress, both houses, is at least 95% corrupt and why on earth do we keep reelecting this motly crew.We, the voters, must share the blame for this state of affairs as long as we keep voting for the likes of Pelosi, Reed , Franks, and the rest.

jim k, Austin

Perhaps the Tea Parties are the beginning of the rebellion needed to get back our country. Naturally, all the lib maggots in Washington and their useful idiots in the press are trying to destroy the Tea's by ,surprise, playing the old reliable race card. We all know that you can't oppose Obama unless you're a racist.

jim k, Austin

The current crowd in Washington is fast turning "The American Dream" into a nightmare.

jim k, Austin

The folk in the Tea Parties are a great example of not accepting evil and are actively opposing it.

jim k, Austin

J and Mike said it better than I ever could.

jim k, Austin

Also Sandra, there is no tooth fairy and I hope this information doesn't cause you too much grief.

jim k, Austin

Sandra, I bet you still believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.

jim k, Austin

My personal favorite is when some politician is trying to get some crazy spending bill passed by saying " the people demand this", and ,of course, the "people" never heard of it much less "demanded it. Here's a little limerick I came up with. "Obama said health care for all, Though the bill was enough to appall, Now let it be noted, That Congress has voted, And they all have to go in the fall".

jim k, Austin

Another example was employed by Tricky Dick Nixon in 1970 when he stoked up the so called War on Drugs and established the infamous DEA. The results are in. Jails filled to overflowing with non violent "criminals", law enforcement corrupted, more street crime, drugs easily available to children,private property seized,and all this at a cost of over $70 billion per year to the U.S. taxpayer. See LEAP.cc for details.

jim k, Austin

Sandras' reply was typical knee-jerk liberal speak and had nothing to do with the quote. Government does't generate economic growth, it restricts it and Nancy, Reed,Obama and the gang know this. Killing our economy and building a lovely socialist Amerika is what the are doing.

jim k, Austin

Government bureaus not only last forever but always get bigger. Nixon set up the Department of Energy as a few people to advise him onenergy, oil, gas, and coal I guess. This bureau now has risen to thousands of employees and a billion dollar budget, or more, and I fail to see that it has done any good whatsoever except to furnish a few thousand bureaucrats a job at our expense.

jim k, Austin

As Washington said, "Government is not reason, it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servent and a fearful master".

jim k, Austin

Right on, J Carlton.

jim k, Austin

Anon summed it up perfectly.

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