Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [401-425] of 563Posts from Jim k, Austin,TxJim k, Austin,Tx Previous 25 Next 25 1 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 8/18/10 re: Alexis de Tocqueville quote This quote is so obviously true that even Waffler can get it. But then, maybe not. Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 8/17/10 re: William Hazlitt quote A rare Limbaugh mistake, but never accuse the man of being ignorant. When Obama was running for election, he was promising to get the troops out of Iraq and that he would close Guantanimo within a year. Rush was one of the few voices saying that these promises would not happen while no nothing Obama supporters were swallowing all the baloney hook, line, and sinker. 1 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 8/17/10 re: Benjamin Franklin quote As to character assassination, it was just fine for liberals to call Bush every name in the book , but if you criticize the supreme leader for his dangerous policies, you are automatically a racist. 4 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 8/17/10 re: Alan Barth quote Waff, when reading your disjointed sentences one needs an interpreter. Sober up before commenting, please. 3 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 8/16/10 re: Marcus Tullius Cicero quote As to fear of big brother, watch the movie "1984". We'd better fear big brother and big government and then do something about it. We can start this process by tossing out the garbage in November. Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 8/16/10 re: Heywood Broun quote Censorship comes in many forms.When Nixon ramped up the so-called "War on Drugs" in 1970, we began to see one of the worst forms of censorship. Americans bought into it, and the results have been disastrous. At a cost of over 70 billion a year, this "war" has made drugs cheaper and more available to children, corrupted law enforcement, made thugs rich, filled our jails to overflowing, increased crime in our streets, and people still and always will use drugs. And of course, the horrible asset forfeiture laws passed by Congress because of this "war". We learned nothing from the mistake of alcohol prohibition in 1920 and are repeating the same mistake with drugs. 3 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 8/13/10 re: William Borroughs quote True enough. While the U.S. is not completely a police state , we are headed that way. In 1970, Nixon ramped up this thing we call the "War on Drugs". It's cost billions, filled our jails and has only made matters worse, much worse. Under assest forfeiture laws, cops can take your property and not even charge you with a crime. It's done every day and it's all done because of this "War on Drugs". For more information, go to Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 8/13/10 re: Thomas Jefferson quote As usual, Jefferson was right. 3 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 8/12/10 re: M. Robin D'Antan quote Waff, your sentence structure leads me to believe that you were "educated" in public schools. Perhaps you meant "free choice" not "free chosen". "Most people at admire",what on earth does that mean? I think that you could use an editor. 4 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 8/12/10 re: Lester Frank Ward quote We have reading classes in college to teach college students how to read. This is an example of our wonderful public school education. Public schools are more to indoctrinate than to teach. 2 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 8/11/10 re: Tammy Bruce quote Tammy is right on target with this quote. A perfect description of our friends now running,or ruining, the country. 6 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 8/11/10 re: Booker T. Washington quote This quote describes the white and black liberal agenda to a tee. Keep the black man down so we will have an issue at election time. The world's biggest nuisance, Jesse Jackson would surely be out of work if the "patient" ever got well. 4 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 8/10/10 re: Thomas Jefferson quote The Anonymous comment on one of our greatest Founders and Presidents is too ridiculous for comment. 4 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 8/10/10 re: Thomas Jefferson quote T Lemar, Waff, and Anonymous sound like good little "wealth redistributers" and good old Karl Marx would be happy. When government does this, about 3% live well and 97% live in poverty. This is how it worked in the workers paradise in the Soviet Union. 1 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 8/9/10 re: Lord Acton quote The republicans and democrats are two sides of the same coin. You can barely tell the difference. The only party of small government and low taxes is the Libertarian party. Naturally the republicrats make sure that they are never part of any of those phony "debates" at election time. Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 8/9/10 re: Daniel Webster quote 5 stars for J Carlton. Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 8/6/10 re: Joseph Addison quote Yes Waff, and we have elected those people who are impoverishing this nation with profligate spending. Naturally they blame it on everyone else. They need to go in November. 1 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 8/6/10 re: John Philpot Curran quote Waffler, the German people took a "little R & R" and Hitler and the Nazi's took over and killed a few million people. Also, something you said yesterday was interesting, that the world was a friendly place to do business because of government. Are you totally nuts. Government makes it ten times more difficult to do business than if they would just butt out. Go back to sleep Waff, you need more rest. 1 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 8/5/10 re: William Cowper quote Yes Waff, you are "totally unaware". "We are not paying enough" are you insane. Every time taxes are CUT, the "money" increases to the treasury. Can't you tax increase clods understand this? I guess not. Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 8/5/10 re: Judge Robert Bork quote Bork said it exactly right. What a shame that he is not being confirmed to the Supreme Court instead of the Obama rubber stamp, boot licking Kagan. Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 8/5/10 re: Aesop quote Aesop and Mike summed it up well. Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 8/3/10 re: Edmund Burke quote As to wisdom, we could use some in the White House and the Congress. There's precious little there now. 5 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 8/3/10 re: Albert Einstein quote In Academia today you are free to say anything you want as long it hews to the liberal line. If you say one negative word about Islam you will be in a Kangaroo court and sent to sensitivity training faster than Obama can say amnisty. 1 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 8/3/10 re: Abraham Cowley quote I'm with J Carlton on this one. Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 7/31/10 re: Ambrose Bierce quote The opposition ain't much opposition any more and that's too bad. The government needs hamstringing. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print