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Posts from Jon, St. Louis

Jon, St. LouisJon, St. Louis
Jon, St. Louis

Considering McChesney has alleged Marxist leanings, at minimum, and is co-founder of FreePress, an alleged Marxist organization, his agenda is only government control of all media. NPRcome under the same restraints because, obtaining much of their funding from the Government, it is also going to serve only as a mouthpiece for Government propaganda. In this they are, in principle, as guilty as the so-called mainstream media in promoting Obamaganda. Even Anita Dunn, former Interim White House Communications Director, bragged on the record how the Obama campaign controlled the media to have it publish only what they wanted. Now McChesney and co. are prmoting Internet Neutrality, which would be another way to control what we as a free nation would be able to access. In the name of Diversity, Mark Lloyd, of the FCC wants to take the previous "fairness doctrine" further to gain government control of radio and TV programming. All totalitarians know that the best and quickest way to gain control over a population is to first gain control over the radio and TV stations. The price of liberty is eternal vigilence!!!

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