Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-1] of 1Posts from L. Hurst, Leav., Ks.L. Hurst, Leav., Ks. Reply L. Hurst, Leav., Ks. 7/24/12 re: Barack Hussein Obama quote Obama called President Bush irresponsible, unpatriotic. What he did not say was Pres.Bush did that in 8 years, but in the course of under 4 Obama has spent 5 Trilliion, that comment is like the pot calling the kettle black. His redistribution of wealth, tax the millionaires and billionaires more, they have to pay their fair share. Marx said it "from each according from his ability to each according to his need". If ya want that kind of a life go to Cuba or Venezuela, we do not need or want to be dependant on the Big Brother Government that Obama wants to Fundamentally Transformation this CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC into, a Socialist Monarchy with King wannabe Obama in charge. What the government giveith, the government can takeith away, America, wake up before it is to late! --L.Hurst, Leav.,Ks SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print