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Posts from LeRoy Matthews, Seminole, FL

LeRoy Matthews, Seminole, FLLeRoy Matthews, Seminole, FL
LeRoy Matthews, Seminole, FL

If the SO-CALLED "national debt" was about $ 4.2 Trillion when Sick Willie supposedly became the "president" , & was about $5.7 Trillion when he left, HOW IN HELL COULD HE HAVE HAD ANY SURLUSES ??? ...............(HE DIDN'T !!!)

Economics Professor Laurence Kotlikoff of Boston University, & others, state that because of their Unfunded & Off-Budget Liabilities & Obligations, the actual debt that the so-called "feds" have is about $234 TRILLION, & GOING UP ABOUT $ 1 TRILLION A MONTH.
THEY HAVE VIRTUALLY ZERO $ FOR ANYTHING WHATSOEVER !!! Other so-called "governments" all over the world also have SEVERE $ PROBLEMS !!!

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