Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-1] of 1Posts from MIchael Duerksen, Ft Stockton, TxMIchael Duerksen, Ft Stockton, Tx Reply MIchael Duerksen, Ft Stockton, Tx 10/5/12 re: Baron Nathan Mayer Rothschild quote Michael Dean Fariss Minton Spoetzel Rollins Navaho Fraley Duerksen: Michael Dean ( dad) Fariss ( Arabian-Greek-Spartan to Royal houses...Al Faris), Minton ( English Lords ) Spoetzel ( Shiner Bach company) Rollins ( King of Vikings and Normandy to Charlemagne to Van Dirks of Holland....American Wild West ), Navaho...(from Lt Rollins, US Army and Navaho, Hopi, Sioux wife to Alma Rollins my grandmother), Fraley ( is Froehlich, Froelig, Frolich, Rothschild interwoven families ) Duerksen ( is from Baron von Durk, GGD to Holland counts to royalty all over Europe and Middle East. ) Durk, Duerk, Dirk, Duerksen, Dirksen DNA name variants are Turk and 400 variants including von Turckheim, von Turk, Ozturk, Le Turk. 2 major Durk names include the Irish origins from ancient Septs and Clans, also from Milesius, known as Brigus and Brion related to the Eqyptians and Egyptian princess wife Scotta ( name for Scotland) to being the father of Ireland, and the OBrian Kingdom to O'Durcain to McNamara and from Durcan, O' Durkan, Gurkin, O' Durkin, Mc Gurkin, Mc Durcan, and others. Milesius is related to virtually all the kings of Sparta, Greece, the Dorians ( from which comes Leonidus the Spartan King whom fought at Theomopylae ) all the Egyptian Pharoahs, some Persian Kings including Cyrus, and to some of the kings of Judah and to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob of Israel. Milesius is Durk to O'Durcain to von Durk and Durk is Turk and ruler of the people. Durk is also Rothschild via Baron Dietz II von Worms, ...Coates family I think, Phillipe Maria Berthier de Rothschild, Prince of Wagram IV, ...Meyer family connection.... I think via a Froehlich ( Fraley) ...Barroness Phillipe ( Daisy) de Rothschild, House of La Tour de Avergne from House of Valois, Marguerite from Holland Dirk counts, von Worms from von Wormsgau, and others. I believe that the Rothschilds have done alot of good in the world. note: Rollo, the King of Normandy was the creator of the Vikings and the father of all the Dukes and Kings of Normandy and from Norway. Two of his sons were kings of Scotland and one, William the Conqueror was the King of England. Michael Duerksen SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print