Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-2] of 2Posts from Margret, HamburgMargret, Hamburg Reply Margret, Hamburg 10/10/06 re: Voltaire quote In fact, I just looked it up in Wikiquote, an offshoot of Wikipedia. Wikiquote says this quote is wrongly attributed to Voltaire. Originally it was Evelyn Beatrice Hall who wrote it in her book on Voltaire's friends (1906) written under the pen name of Stephen G. Tallentyre. And of course she said: to my death. According to Wikiquote Voltaire said something very similar to the same effect. See: Reply Margret, Hamburg 10/10/06 re: Voltaire quote I'm fairly sure there must be a printing error in this quotation. I've known it for a long time and the way I knew it it always said: "to my death" - the other way round makes no sense at all I think, even as sarcasm it doesn't really work in my opinion. SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print