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Posts from Mary - MI

Mary - MIMary - MI
Mary - MI

"Fabian Society, socialist society founded in 1884 in London, having as its goal the establishment of a democratic socialist state in Great Britain. The Fabians put their faith in evolutionary socialism rather than in revolution.

The name of the society is derived from the Roman general Fabius Cunctator, whose patient and elusive tactics in avoiding pitched battles secured his ultimate victory over stronger forces. Its founding is attributed to Thomas Davidson, a Scottish philosopher, and its early members included George Bernard Shaw, Sidney Webb, Annie Besant, Edward Pease, and Graham Wallas. Shaw and Webb, later joined by Webb’s wife, Beatrice, were the outstanding leaders of the society for many years. In 1889 the society published its best-known tract, Fabian Essays in Socialism, edited by Shaw. It was followed in 1952 by New Fabian Essays, edited by Richard H.S. Crossman.

The Fabians at first attempted to permeate the Liberal and Conservative parties with socialist ideas, but later they helped to organize the separate Labour Representation Committee, which became the Labour Party in 1906. The Fabian Society has since been affiliated with the Labour Party.

-- The principal activities of the society consist in the furtherance of its goal of socialism through the education of the public along socialist lines by means of meetings, lectures, discussion groups, conferences, and summer schools; carrying out research into political, economic, and social problems; and publishing books, pamphlets, and periodicals. In 1931 the New Fabian Research Bureau was established as an independent body. The bureau and the society amalgamated in 1938 to form a new and revitalized Fabian Society. In 1940 the Colonial Bureau of the Fabian Society was established, and it produced a continuous stream of discussion and writing on colonial questions. The Fabian International Bureau was started in 1941 to cater to the growing concern of Fabians with foreign policy and the great issues of war and peace."

Mary - MI

Is anyone an admirer of the late playwright and author George Bernard Shaw? You had better think that admiration over!

Mary - MI

You would think that Thomas Jefferson was somehow resurrected and speaking directly to Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Mary - MI

"...institutions, since that which was established in the interests of the right, may so easily become the agent of the wrong."
Let's start with a list that have ultimately become unlawful and UN-Constitution U.S. federal agencies/bureaucracies of the agents of the wrong: EPA, FDA, Departments of Education, Labor and Energy, HUD, NSA, CIA, FBI, Bureau of Land Management, Homeland Security and last but surely not the least TSA.

Mary - MI

A well spoken truth.

Mary - MI

Anonymous, NJ - I would suggest that you use your handy-dandy computer and attempt to use it to do a bit of research under your own steam to find out who Mark Berley might be. That would be much better than having others do your homework for you.

Mary - MI

Fascism, Communism and National Socialism are all systems to deny, violate and erase the natural Unalienable Rights and Choices of the Individual.

Mary - MI

Samuel Adams would be in full out disdain with the course of actions taking place to absolutely pervert the true meaning of words.

Mary - MI

An excellent Frederic Bastat quote!

Mary - MI

"As Sanandaji explains clearly in his meticulously sourced book, though, what most Big Government advocates see as desirable outcomes in Scandinavia — relative prosperity, high levels of income equality, long lifespans, good health, low levels of poverty, and more — all predate the welfare state. On life expectancy, for example, four out of the top five OECD nations were in Scandinavia in 1960, with Norway at the very top. On income, meanwhile, most of the shift toward “equality” happened between 1870 and 1950 — long before the welfare state took over. Ironically, the emergence of Big Government even put some of that at risk, along with the long-established cultural norms such as the Protestant work ethic, honesty, social trust, entrepreneurship, innovation, and more that made those advances possible to begin with.

Indeed, before the emergence of welfare-state policies beginning in the 1960s and 1970s, Sweden was among the most prosperous and fast-growing economies on the planet. Between 1870 and 1936, when Sweden was characterized by relatively free markets, the nation enjoyed the highest rate of growth in the industrialized world. Innovation and entrepreneurship flourished, making Sweden one of the richest countries on Earth. Then came the radical Social Democratic period characterized by an ever-larger and more expensive government. Between 1975 and the mid-1990s — marked by the radical, if short-lived, experiment in “Third Way” socialism — Sweden dropped from being the fourth richest nation in the world down to the 13th richest.

Fortunately for Swedes, as the giant welfare state's harmful effects became increasingly obvious, the Swedish political class began to reverse course. From lowering taxes and government spending to deregulating and privatizing broad swaths of the economy, policymakers realized that the nation's continued success depended on freer markets — not total government. Still, the damage was severe. As Sanandaji explains, citing his earlier research on the subject, the rate of business formation during the “third-way era” was “dreadful.” In 2004, none of the 100 largest firms ranked by employment were founded within Sweden after 1970. “Furthermore, between 1950 and 2000, although the Swedish population grew from 7 million to almost 9 million, net job creation in the private sector was close to zero,” he observed.

Today, Denmark, despite higher taxes, has more economic freedom than the United States. Sweden and Finland are both catching up, too. And interestingly, despite Sanders' recent pronouncements on ABC News about Scandinavia having “more income and wealth equality,” Sweden still has a great deal more “wealth inequality” today than the United States, according to a study cited in the monograph.

To understand just how damaging the Scandinavian “third way” era was, Sanandaji cites a startling admission by Bo Ringholm, the Social Democratic finance minister of Sweden at the time. “If Sweden had had the same growth rates as the OECD average since 1970, our total resources would have been so much greater that it would be the equivalent of 20,000 SEK [$2,700] more per household per month,” Ringholm is quoted as saying in 2002. And as Sanandaji shows clearly and convincingly, often using government data, a major reason that Sweden's economy did not grow at the rate of other OECD economies during that period was the lack of economic freedom."
Debunking the Myth of Socialist “Success” in Scandinavia

Mary - MI

"In the Scandinavian countries, like all other developed nations, the means of production are primarily owned by private individuals, not the community or the government, and resources are allocated to their respective uses by the market, not government or community planning.

While it is true that the Scandinavian countries provide things like a generous social safety net and universal healthcare, an extensive welfare state is not the same thing as socialism. What Sanders and his supporters confuse as socialism is actually social democracy, a system in which the government aims to promote the public welfare through heavy taxation and spending, within the framework of a capitalist economy. This is what the Scandinavians practice."

Mary - MI

Without the productive creative entrepreneurs who come up with something new and anew, designs a new product and/or devise that in the end results in new jobs and in the hiring of people to produce the product there would be no possible use, necessity or want for either the bloated myriad of government bureaucrats or the labor unions.
Something that the "childish" Robert who cannot figure out where in the U.S. he resides also is a fail at understanding.

Mary - MI

We need to replace all the Democrats and Neocons Serving Us Up with Margaret Thatcher clones.

Mary - MI

Robert, Somewhere in Europe - Stay there because we don't want your Marxist views supplanted or substituted for this sovereign nation's U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights.
If you are an expatriated American now residing in Europe you will do every Constitutional Patriotic American a great big favor by forever remaining outside of the U.S. borders and not spewing your deleterious Marxist/Communist ideologies within the U.S.

Mary - MI

Robert, Somewhere in Europe - I know that it is to your utter dismay .. but, the U.S. has a constitution based thoroughly on a Limited Government Republic and foremost on the Unalienable Rights of the Individual not to have the fruits of their labor plundered by Socialist ideologues such as yourself.

Mary - MI

I truly hope that Robert remains "somewhere in Europe."
Better yet .. I believe he would most likely be best beset with getting his eyes opened to the ultimate fraught ridden Liberal Socialist results that have now disseminated the Argentinian nation and its people.

Mary - MI

Socialism is a ideology that means to ensure that the individual will become completely submissive and servile to the collective.

Mary - MI

Robert, Somewhere in Europe. - Socialism exists not only at the corporate government level, for the banks and with the military .. but it also lies within the creation of causing the PEOPLE to become unlawfully and simperingly dependent on a government Welfare System that steals and plunders the fruits of others labor.
Charity comes from and should remain with the conscience and generosity of the individual and not through and by the theft of any governments edict. If you believe otherwise ... then please stay "Somewhere in Europe" ... Because... the sovereign U.S. was founded upon as a Limited Government Republic and the constitutionally protected natural born Unalienable Rights of the Individual.
-- "But how is this legal plunder to be identified? Quite simply. See if the law takes from some persons what belongs to them, and gives it to other persons to whom it does not belong. See if the law benefits one citizen at the expense of another by doing what the citizen himself cannot do without committing a crime." -- Frederic Bastiat

Mary - MI

Ron Paul is a man of highly astute, objective rational reasoning.

Mary - MI

My suggestion to Robert, Somewhere in Europe (I guess poor Robert does not exactly know which country he is residing in) that if you wish to view the whole quote that you can use your handy-dandy computer instrument and do your own personal homework and research to look up all the rest that Thomas Jefferson stated.

Mary - MI

On this wonderful quote from Thomas Jefferson I will refrain from wasting my time responding to the TROLL known as Waffler and his tentacled plundering colleagues living in complete and full out ignorance who despicably embrace The 10 Planks of the Communist Manifesto.

Mary - MI

Isabel Paterson was a mentor to Ayn Rand. Sadly they came to a parting of the ways because unlike Ayn Rand .. Isabel Paterson held a deep Christian belief in God.
Isabel Paterson wrote and published a great book titled, "The God of the Machine."
-- "The God of the Machine presents an original theory of history and a bold defense of individualism as the source of moral and political progress. When it was published in 1943, Isabel Paterson's work provided fresh intellectual support for the endangered American belief in individual rights, limited government, and economic freedom. The crisis of today's collectivized nations would not have surprised Paterson; in The God of the Machine, she had explored the reasons for collectivism's failure. Her book placed her in the vanguard of the free-enterprise movement now sweeping the world.

Paterson sees the individual creative mind as the dynamo of history, and respect for the individual's God-given rights as the precondition for the enormous release of energy that produced the modern world. She sees capitalist institutions as the machinery through which human energy works, and government as a device properly used merely to cut off power to activities that threaten personal liberty.

Paterson applies her general theory to particular issues in contemporary life, such as education, .social welfare, and the causes of economic distress. She severely criticizes all but minimal application of government, including governmental interventions that most people have long taken for granted. The God of the Machine offers a challenging perspective on the continuing, worldwide debate about the nature of freedom, the uses of power, and the prospects of human betterment.

Stephen Cox's substantial introduction to The God of the Machine is a comprehensive and enlightening account of Paterson's colorful life and work. He describes The God of the Machine as "not just theory, but rhapsody, satire, diatribe, poetic narrative." Paterson's work continues to be relevant because "it exposes the moral and practical failures of collectivism, failures that are now almost universally acknowledged but are still far from universally understood." The book will be essential to students of American history, political theory, and literature."

Mary - MI

Waffler desperately wants and needs attention because this whiny and pathetic Progressive-Socialist Bernie Sanders' idolizer and sheep cannot seem to get attention elsewhere other than from his commenting on Liberty Quotes.
Waffler has long been awaiting for the government to give him a free space in a commune.
Waffler wishes to shed his crippled mind of all reason and thought of individual responsibility and personal initiative.
Then Waffler will delightfully hope to succeed in feeding off the fruits of the labor of those who he considers fools for possessing those most honorable and responsible traits of individual responsibility and personal initiative.

Mary - MI

Absolutely correct. And, when the Federal Reserve writes a check it is creating worthless fiat money out of thin air .. and, is thus "Not Worth a Continental."

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