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Posts from Paul, Oxford Pa

Paul, Oxford PaPaul, Oxford Pa
Paul, Oxford Pa

I think we should Annihilate our enemy's! Our enemy's. Crush them before us, Drive they're women Lamentatiation's before Us...Hear how they cry! Make them face the fear that they themselfs sought to put into the whole of the world. Then put them all down in the Anthracite mines to mine coal for us for ever. Never to see the light of day again. Till they die of black lung. You see Marie, Downey you all are so very Politically correct.Ready to give the same rights to evryone. But unless you were in the service to this country Marie such as the Army Navy or air Force Maries, And or Coast Guard. Then your Freedoms you and your left wing friends enjoy are on the back of someone else that provided you your freedoms. Someone like me. So no here is the question for you and your kind. Is the price of Freedom For Free or was it bought and purchaced with a price. such As Blood Flesh and yes Tears of All those who served and payed a price for your Freedoms? Well thats probably Too much for you to wrap your Liberal Mind around. So I'm going to tell you up front. These Terrorist have been Attacking America Long before the 9-11 problem but since mostly military people suffered you probably didn't even Notice. Such as a whole Barracks Blown up just like in kansas City in Saudi Arabia how about the Marine Barracks in Lebanon? Then All the various Air Craft these Devils blew up from time to time I can go on. But I see no point At preaching to the choir. One last thing before I go President Bush Is the First American President to say enough and to go after them. So they don't Blast Say your neighborhood. In Stead of running him down you ought to thank him insead. And while your at it thank a serviceman or woman for the price they are paying for you to be able to get up and run Your Mouth. That would be the 1st Amendment right you have in case you do not already know. See you around Marie,Dowey

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