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Posts from Rumsfeld, D.C.

Rumsfeld, D.C.Rumsfeld, D.C.
Rumsfeld, D.C.

What a buncha bleepin' cry babys! If youse wanna kno, Jefferson akshully reincarnaited, comin' back to 'dis vale a tears to save 'de Constitution, Youse 'de People and 'de spirit of desistance held in his always-useful symbol, 'De Decleration of Independance. Hah! Fat chance! Dicky had CIA pick him up years ago. 'Den 'de Boss declared little 'ol Tommie boy a dumestic ter-rist and trew him into 'de deepest shithole in Gitmo. Yer on yer oan, suckers! We're so deep in yer poket you can't even feel 'de grip we got on yer balls any more. Youse deserve whatever scraps we trow youse from ar garbage can. Dat's it. Nuttin' else - wile we stil let youse live, enyway.

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