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Posts from Sasha, Plainsboro, NJ

Sasha, Plainsboro, NJSasha, Plainsboro, NJ
Sasha, Plainsboro, NJ

It's very true that Jefferson's actions defied his word. However, it's the actions that weren't right-not the words. The words shouldn't be dismissed because the actions were contradictory. By the way, unless you read the five negro presidents and realized Bill Clinton was at least the sixth in history, you would understand that Jefferson was actually as much Native American and Black as he was White. Yes, he was a piece of work in his actions and what he presented himself to be. But what real advantages would anyone get NOW, let alone in the 1700's admitting Native American and Black heritage that though people really did agree because even if visible it wasn't obvious enough to not raise any doubt on either side in all situations of life, especially the most vital and basic ones (sexual relations) to give you any real edge to want to bother with it? I am directly tri-racial myself. The Native American hits people over the head and is often described as Latino, the white is visible but obviously not pure if I'm asked as much about it as I am (every day at least once) and the black is visible but tends to creep up on you instead of hit you over the head. For me, getting a f*** is effortless and free and all I need to do is agree to offers. However, in every culture getting the full acceptance I might have to accept might never be even be more so for me than anyone else just because. I'm not giving up completely or blaming the rest of the world, but I'm not waiting up nights and unless I actually have that I can't afford to bring children into it by my own choice. Why would they want to be a baby mama's kid and all that goes with that it if they had any sense? I also understand people have no obligations to answer my du'ahs any more than Allah does. So, please don't dismiss Jefferson's words because of the pressures of what he had to live with if he lived them. Dismiss the actions and try to understand why he chose it. As Salaamu Alaikum Rahmatullah Wa Barakatu

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