Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-10] of 10Posts from Shooterman, Beaumont, TXShooterman, Beaumont, TX Reply Shooterman, Beaumont, TX 2/13/11 re: George Mason quote The greatest statesman of his time and probably of all time. Seems Mr Lincoln, by the lights of Mr Mason, was wrong indeed, and the Leviathan we call Big Government is a far cry from what those that prevailed at the time, actually wanted. It should also be noted the Anti-federalist feared exactly what we now have. Freedom is by nature, the restraint of government. 2 Reply Shooterman, Beaumont, Tx 2/22/09 re: Alexis de Tocqueville quote If Lincoln had only heeded this! Reply Shooterman, Beaumont, Tx 2/20/08 re: Frederick Soddy quote Without specie currency, money, though debt, is created from thin air. We are experiencing in the economy, a Crack Up Boom as one of the great economists has called it. That is like a woman flying an airplane upside down and trying to land. Big crack up, boom! Reply Shooterman, Beaumont, Tx 9/25/07 re: Major General Smedley Darling Butler quote Hitler most probably never would have come to power if we had stayed out of WW!. It was of no concern to us. Reply Shooterman, Beaumont, TX 8/28/07 re: Mark Twain quote Unfortunately, we are in the death throes of 'Gotcha Politics'. The average person, sipping a few cool ones, flipping the channels on the Boob Tube, and living in his own make believe world, couldn't care less what their government does, regardless if DIM or PUB. 6 Reply Shooterman, Beaumont, TX 7/14/06 re: Michel de Montaigne quote This is the entire premise of the Criminal Activity known as the Federal Reserve System 2 Reply Shooterman, Beaumont, TX 4/14/06 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Keep in mind those findings of the scholars and politicians over the next 40 or 50 years that defined what the general welfare was not. Reply Shooterman, Beaumont, Tx 3/24/06 re: James Paterson quote I think it is apparent our two resident gun grabbers, are afraid to take a dump without Uncle Sugar's permission. 1 Reply Shooterman, Beaumont, Tx 3/24/06 re: George Mason quote As a big fan of George Mason, probably one of the most learned of the Constitutional founders, I have to give this quote a top drawer. Reply Shooterman, Beaumont, Tx 4/14/05 re: Lysander Spooner quote It appears to me, Mr Spooner was pretty much on the money. I am a big believer in Uncle Sugar only spending our money for those duties laid out to it by the Constitution. Unfortunately, the voters have figured out how to milk the system in order to tap the public largess. Congresscritters, by nature, are, for the most part, scalawags. A pox upon them. SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print