Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-1] of 1Posts from Son of George(Washington, that is), Everytown, U.S.Son of George(Washington, that is), Everytown, U.S. 1 Reply Son of George(Washington, that is), Everytown, U.S. 2/22/07 re: Thomas Jefferson quote If Mr. Jefferson were alive today, he'd be labeled an "enemy combatant" by Homeland InSecurity and all his rights denied him. He would be considered a terrorist by our King George's mis-government and imprisoned, where he would commit "suicide" by hanging himself with shoe-strings! Anyone who publicly agreed with his views would soon find themselves in the same predicament until ALL such "terrorist" views would be wiped out and only the cowards or cohorts of the neo-mafia would be left in control. Look around. Has it already happened? SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print