Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-2] of 2Posts from Toni S., Beaumont, CaliforniaToni S., Beaumont, California 5 Reply Toni S., Beaumont, California 12/18/14 re: Tecumseh quote To Travis. Considering that the settlers came to destroy his country, slaughter his people and all indigenious people, take what did not belong to him.. oh, and do all lthis in the name of the LORD, let's not forget the Manifest Desting law. I can well understand how he felt. He also preached not to grovel to no man. What were they suupposed to do Travis? Would you have groveled? 2 Reply Toni S., Beaumont, California 12/18/14 re: Tecumseh quote Oh, if we can actually live these words! This goes beyond a personal religion, or doctrine, it encompasses all that is humane and real. If I can manage to live up to it, I would be truly happy. SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print