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Posts from WLB, E Hampton

WLB, E HamptonWLB, E Hampton
WLB, E Hampton

What an ironic quote - it claims exactly the opposite of reality today. Free enterprise gone amok in the form of greed by overlending banks, overreaching buyers, misguided securitization of bad loans is the direct cause of the housing bubble and the rapid collapse into this recession / depression. So free enterprise actually led to huge govt bailouts (i.e. deficits) which are requested in person by the business fat cats, the accompanying increase in regulation, and eventual higher taxes. This financial collapse given to us by free enterprise is destroying much of the world's wealth and economic activity. It will oppress everyone and threaten the middle class along with the traditional "American dream". Thank you, lenders and investment bankers!! Don't get me wrong -- I believe capitalism is the best economic system -- when handled responsibly. But Reagan's quote is indeed 180 degrees off of today's reality. Free enterprise invented easy credit out of greed and it is now collapsing after the gluttony. We are all paying the price. Government is the only hope for any kind of orderly result against such a massive failure. We should all pray for it to succeed. Also to JB, The only reason to have Reagan on Mt Rushmore is the accuracy of depicting his head in stone -- Bush 2 could fit in on that basis also. But since neither were exactly friends to the Nat'l Park Service, maybe they should just have monuments on the site of Enron's headquarters.

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