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Posts from Waffler, Smith

Waffler, SmithWaffler, Smith
Waffler, Smith

I wont rate the quote. But this man Traficant was expelled from Congress after being convicted of taking bribes, filing false tax returns and racketerring. He did seven years in jail. And the editor of this sirt calls him a political prisoner, hmm.

Waffler, Smith

Al is correct "Oh so true" and that is why we are in the difficut position we are in. There are many examples that come to mind in recent history but two most famous ones are Dick Cheney's "Deficits don't matter" and the so called conservative lie that conservation doesn't matter and "Global warming is a myth". Yes the big lies and liars are doning us in for sure.

Waffler, Smith

The words of an anarchist. Any one can destroy but to create is something else again. The failure to have knowledge of history and the legislative history of polcies dooms our public policy makiing to failure..This desire to destroy without thought comes from a failure to try to listen to what others are saying.

Waffler, Smith

"Let this mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus, who thought it not robbery to be EQUAL with God but finding himself in fashion as a man lowered himself to be a servant to others." (Somewhere in the Bible). So equality is not something to grasp for, it is something you simply have to know. Once you do know it, you then can be a human being and properly relate to others. Holmes got it wrong!

Waffler, Smith

"Emotional mob" that is what our British cousins called us most of our existence after 1776.

Waffler, Smith

Congratulations to Mann and Dick for exhibiting some intelligence on this site. Thumbs down to the poster who invoked the assine comment about "us good people" as opposed to the evil them. That type of syntax is so Hitlerian and brown shirt-ish. And make such comments in addressing a quote about Liberty. Soon these "brown shirt good people" will be calling for censorship I am sure.

Waffler, Smith

Consider the source. Eastland was a politician, propagandist and power broker. He was never a fact finder or straight talker. When Prez Johnson discussed the three missing and murdered civil rights workers with him, he said "I think it is a publicity stunt and they ain't missing" even though Johnson was standing with the kids bereaved parents. Johnson said, "Eastland could stand in the middle of a Mississippi flood and blame it on the "N's" and the communists. The guy was a flake and so are those who fall for such propagandists.

Waffler, Smith

Hell that was fourty years ago! Of course foreign "diplomats" when in a foreign country see and asses things and report back to their governments. Hell I was told to do that when I was in the Army. If you have read the news within the last fourty years you would have learned that the Soviet Union has collapsed, so what has that to say about their collection and use of espionage, etcetera. This quote ranks right up their with Santorum's statement the other day that "American history is not taught by the Califronia university system." These clowns aught to be shut down, period! and when I say rank I mean really rank.

Waffler, Smith

Why is the 1787 mob better than todays mob, Michael!

Waffler, Smith

There are problems with this quote. First of all is not "their" future government that is at stake, it is our present government. Do only the people who were alive in 1787 have rights and we have none; of course not! And that is why the power to amend the Constitution was provided for. Barack is not King yet, but tonights poll says he is ahead of that other guy by a huge margin. The people are speaking loud and clear already.

Waffler, Smith

Glad to see that you Archer are not a conspiracy theorist.

Waffler, Smith

The only answer is "one man one vote" get the money out of the system.

Waffler, Smith

This has the ring of truth to it. Also never forget the secret financial blueprint promulgated by Dick Cheney and bought into by Geo W. that is of course that, "Deficits don't matter."!

Waffler, Smith

It seems to me that it is Mike, Jim K, Archer and oh yeah where is Carlton who clamoreth most for LIBERTY. I fear to think what liberty would be if they had liberty their way. I humbly suggest that things are the way they are because that is the way that people want them, thus this is liberty right here and right now! Now this liberty that we enjoy is not some static doctrinaire thing but a free flowing of ideas which of course is what Mike objects to the most. His liberty is a static thing.

Waffler, Smith

H.L. was psychic. Hell all we have to do is look at the Global Warming-Climate Change Nay Sayers to know that OVERT facts have no effect on lots of people.

Waffler, Smith

yeah there is trouble everywhere, just try to make a beer in Germany and see where that lands you or better yet do a window puppet show in NYC, lots of luck! Wow J, living in Canada and hating the IRS, I wonder if those two facts have a close nexus, and if so, what they say about your psychological profile and ability to think straight!

Waffler, Smith

But less in the USA than anywhere else on earth. That is why the USA is the model for much of the rest of the world. That is why the USA won the cold war against centralized planning systems such as the Soviet Union. That is why all of our products are made in China, because US "entrepreneurs" can rise above their friends and neighbours and make more money by stiffing the rest of us with cheap labor and the use of illegals here at home. A little more enforcement of some minute laws and rules may be optimal.

Waffler, Smith

Sounds good but is not reality. If we would have been left alone as Mike would have it there would have been no state requirements for schooling and thus a reading population, no disease control etc. Examples abound. Mike would turn us back to the middle ages of ignorance, plague, and society of supersition and disregard for science.

Waffler, Smith

It is error to think of money that belongs to the government as your money. When you earn dollar one a portion of that dollar is the governments not yours. When you purchase or spend dollar one in most jurisdictions a portion of it belongs to government. Now this principle does not exist in the jungle, or from the backwoods that Davey came from.

Waffler, Smith

The overall sentiment is correct, viola! Mike is right! But because we live in such an imperfect world, where as Mike well knows "the sins of the fathers are visited upon the sons unto the fourth generation". There was once a time in some jurisdictions (Columbus, Ga) where it was illegal for a slave to think, or when some races were locked up for having the potential for sedition. Now how does one correct the sins of the fathers. We live in a much better country and world today, I believe, due to leaps in societal thinking upon issues like race, humanity and equality, and by correcting are former ways. How would Clarence correct the past malicious prejudice, huh?

Waffler, Smith

J and Mike like these bombastic shallow quotes and they have a man in the Presidential race that will, I am sure pull their strings. He has been offered a million dollars to get out and let a thinking man take on Mr. Obama. Like I said J I really don't see that you and Mike are really free to think. You are mental captives to some kind of BS!

Waffler, Smith

A really lousy quote. Lots of things have been said but that does not make them true. The Judge here is only stating that something has been said by somebody, somewhere, at some time. He has stated no opinion of his own upon what was said. Pure BS! People who allow such statements as this to influence them or pull their strings are giving up there personal freedom and liberty.

Waffler, Smith

Not so great quotes! The key here is "ordered liberty". Order among people means laws and a certain giving up of the concept of individuality for the concept of commonality. Taking these quotes at face value (which I am sure Mike does) would totally negate the idea of property taxes and any other taxes.I do agree that the power to tax can entail the power to destroy, but a balance between individuality and commonality is at the root of most public policy discussions.

Waffler, Smith

I am sorry Mike my characterization of your persona, mentality or way of thinking remains intact. Thanks for the welcome back. PS: The above goes for Carlton also.

Waffler, Smith

These are great quotes today. Thought provoking and timeless. Only those with axes to grind above think the quotes are actually about the world around us today. Only when two or more people get together and talk about doing something like controlling polution, clean air, global warming or fighting terrorism do they get all upset and decry the very existence of Government. If you have read their comments and their take on these quotes over the years you will find a common thread. THEY ARE AGAINST PEOPLE IN GENERAL (themselvese excluded of course) AND ESPECIALLY AGAINST PEOPLE DOING THINGS IN CONCERT OR TOGETHER!

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