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Posts from WeeWillyWonka, Cotati, CA

WeeWillyWonka, Cotati, CAWeeWillyWonka, Cotati, CA
WeeWillyWonka, Cotati, CA

Plutocracy is the only government, always was & always will be. Civilization (sic) is for the benefit of the rich & ends when we all stop cooperating in the insanity & slavery. Assassination & war are tools of the Super Rich. Fighting feeds the Beast. Agriculture is a child of the Beast (see Genesis, ch3), especially wheat & sugar cane. see wheatbellyblog.com and fibermenace.com . These foods are called foundations of civilization because they feed the Beast & keep you sick & zombie-like all your life. The Super Rich don't care what the government or banking system is called or how it operates or what its constitution is. This Beast likes to see you figthting each other & going to war! It means Super Wealth to them!!

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