Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1176-1200] of 1306Posts from cal, lewisville, txcal, lewisville, tx Previous 25 Next 25 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 10/20/09 re: Chi An quote If we do not repeal federal government programs for the people here-you will see the same thing happening to us. 4 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 10/20/09 re: Harold J. Laski quote I'd like to see the states get some of their rights back again! 1 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 10/19/09 re: Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoi quote Tolstoy could always write a bible about a simple subject, but he is correct on this! 3 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 10/19/09 re: H. L. Mencken quote And Joe, don't forget "The Fountainhead" and Animal Farm!" 1 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 10/19/09 re: Anthony de Jasay quote Is this the "Change" too many voted for in our last election? Is this really what those voters wanted? Is ignorance still bliss? 1 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 10/16/09 re: Michael Taylor quote Come on Dick! I'm your neighbor over here to your north and i'm sure you well know that Capitalist greed is no where close to Government greed. It's true we must jail some like in the Enron case, but the truth is there are many more crooks in government as we just saw happen with the Dallas city council! Reply cal, lewisville, tx 10/16/09 re: Lawrence Auster quote How the hell someone so far away in D.C. can know what someone else in America needs if far beyond me. Ron Paul said let's let these things be state issues so local folks can decide what they may need and so do it for them selves. Big Brother may stay in Washington and I hope he shrinks and becomes "little brother" for a change! 2 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 10/16/09 re: William Graham Sumner quote I am about to believe the time Sumner speaks of has come. I would join him as an Anarchist. The showdown has started and the elections next year and in 2012 will determine if people are listening! Reply cal, lewisville, tx 10/12/09 re: Oscar Wilde quote Ken, Allyn,WA. Amen! 3 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 10/12/09 re: Ludwig Von Mises quote In the beginning of our nation we gave our federal government rules it had to go by. Now that same government gives "us" the rules it wants us to live by! Reply cal, lewisville, tx 10/9/09 re: Samuel Adams quote I'll drink a Samuel Adams to that! 21Reply cal, lewisville, tx 10/9/09 re: Richard Rumbold quote At least this was an awaking of the people against the "devine right of kings!" I hope the tea parties awaken everyone about the power of the people! Reply cal, lewisville, tx 10/9/09 re: Louis Kronenberger quote He must really have something against the "Upper Crust!" We are all individuals with one life-one vote! Reply cal, lewisville, tx 10/7/09 re: Eric Hoffer quote How is it that the 20th century government got so many folks to believe in government for their well-being? Social Security, welfare, foodstamps, medicaid, medicare, etc.. And all those good folks don't realize who is really paying for something they could do for themselves much more efficient. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 10/1/09 re: Marilyn Ferguson quote J. B., the Tower of Babel was finally completed in NYC in 1948. It's called the UN. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 9/29/09 re: Eric Hoffer quote How true it is that legal and ethical are two entirely different things rarely considing. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 9/29/09 re: Bill Clinton quote Anything would have been better than you Slick Willy! 1 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 9/28/09 re: Dr. Johannes B. Koeppl, PhD quote It's the Golden Rule! He who has the gold will make the rules! Reply cal, lewisville, tx 9/28/09 re: Dan Smoot quote Well said Archer! John McCain is a well know democrat who wears a republican title. George W Bush and his kind are a hybred we call "republicrats!" Reply cal, lewisville, tx 9/28/09 re: American Mercury Magazine quote Too true! I remember Armand Hammer(Hammerstein) and his cronies making good money befriending the Soviet Union! Reply cal, lewisville, tx 9/25/09 re: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin quote RBESRQ-are we being governed by whom he appoints? Reply cal, lewisville, tx 9/25/09 re: W. Cleon Skousen quote Even Woodrow Wilson seems to have been pulled into this "New Order!" He ran a second term on the theme of keeping the U.S. out of the war, then decided we need to go to war to get rid of the old order in these countries. What a backlash when the Tsar fell and Hitler was elected in Germany's new democracy! Reply cal, lewisville, tx 9/25/09 re: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin quote With all the money the fed is printing-it may take a wheelbarrow of it to buy a loaf of bread soon. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 9/25/09 re: Jesse Helms quote He did name some very liberal and demanding groups here. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 9/24/09 re: Michael Rivero quote Is ignorance of the voter still considered "bliss?" Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print