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Posts from colourmegone, Lowestoft

colourmegone, Lowestoftcolourmegone, Lowestoft
colourmegone, Lowestoft

I think the entire quote is from a document which was most likely fabricated by Charles A Lindbergh Sr for political reasons. Mr Lindbergh Sr (originally Carl Mansson) was a thoroughgoing scoundrel who was convicted of embezzlement in his native Sweden. He then fled with his mistress to the US where he changed his name to Lindbergh, leaving behind his wife and seven children. He was obviously Congressional material and when he gained a law degree in 1883 he became a prosecuting attourney and then moved on to a political career. Today he would be a member of the Tea Party and no doubt a conspiracy theorist. He would doubtless shout about great criminal cabals to direct public attention as far as possible from his own shady misdeeds. Like all TP politicians he would wrap himself in the Constitution and the flag while actually serving the highest bidder.

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