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Posts from ed, near toledo

ed, near toledoed, near toledo
ed, near toledo


please read,,Autograph this Constitution lawful bloodline American or legal immigration citizen
We the Lawful Bloodline Americans are promised A"Republic" is the proper description of our government as promised, not "democracy. ... Republic. That form of government in which the powers of sovereignty are vested . The Catholic holiday Good Friday is observed on April 14, 2017. The day is also known as Holy Friday, and Great Friday. It commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus .. Edward filed the recall on kate brown on treason

Affidavit of human trafficking by,ed ,on ,, Kate Brown British auxiliary accreditation for lawyers attorney and judges personal gain so. Consider some evidence of its historical significance: First, titles of nobility were prohibited in both Article VI of the Articles of Confederation (1777) and in Article I, Sections 9 and 10 of the Constitution of the United States (1787); As I ask the greatSprint to collect souls, as the bible and the pope as it is all bull s are is the Constitution the law of the forty eight states .,...it all bs ,,,The greatspirit and mother shall live in peace,, please Autograph or sign and send to asp Jeff Sessions was sworn in to protect the unite sates Constitution 1778 , Whereas the 1971 two Constitution woman and mans rights an elected and public servants as the 84th Attorney General

People have the unbridled right to empanel their own grand juries and present "True Bills" of
indictment to a court which is then required to commence a criminal proceeding."
~ United States v. Williams112 S. Ct. 1735504 U.S. 36118 L.Ed.2d 352 (1992) ~
On the land in Oregon

Judges Reject Orange County's Claim That Social Workers Didn't Know Lying In Court Was Wrong http://www.ocweekly.com/.../judges-reject-orange-countys...

It is the duty of every lawful Bloodline American and legal immigration to oppose all enemies of this Nation, foreign and DOMESTIC. (Note added: Every Lawful and recognized American Citizen including all Elected, Appointed, hired public servant(s), Children's Protection Services, Police, Sheriff's, Martials, CIA, FBI, Capital Police, Secret Service, City Council, County Commissioners, Board of Commissioners, et al, Religious Organizations, Associations, Schools, Colleges, Universities, Schools of Law, Corporations, LLC's, Doctors, Nurses, Health Care Providers, Unions, et al, to perform they of Oath of Office, in compliance to the 1776 Constitution for the United States of America, to all matters herein related thereof.) Please help pass this information to other professionals in your area and honor thy 1776, Ratified 1778 Constitutional oath of office in your area of expertise it is after all as Lawful Americans' right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness that 'GOD' promised mine and your bloodline of this United States of America for all mankind thereof. Please read title 18 all of it ''The Original Thirteenth Article of Amendment
State of Oregon Drivers license is a high way tax to the right to travel, As Edward has recommended in writing to Kim Thatcher (born 1964) is an American politician. solution under house restitution 192,, for lawful bloodline American to autograph for a lawful travelers card so the state CORPS keeps in unlawful funding source and the banks still receives there three. nine percent of all transaction

All government officials and agencies, including all State legislatures, are bound by the Constitution and must NOT create any defacto laws which counter the Constitution: The U.S. Supreme Court, in 1895, ruled unconstitutional a federal law containing income taxes, Bills, statutes and codes with arguments concerning class warfare and the definition of a direct tax."Herein...Ohio's Doctrine of Governmental Immunity was held unconstitutional and others to numerous to mention." (Civil Rights) (Krause vs Ohio, app 2d 1 L.N.W. 2d 321 1971.) Reich vs State Highway Dept. 336, Mich. 617: 194 N.W. 2d 700 197"Employees of a city or state are not immune from suit under statute relating civil rights for deprivations of rights on ground that officials were acting within the scope of their ground that officials were acting within the Scope of their responsibilities of performing a discretionary act." (Bunch vs Barnett 376 F. Sup. 23.)"Title 28 Section 1391, this section makes it possible to bring actions against government officials and agencies in district court outside D.C." (Civil Rights) (Norton vs Mcshane 14 L.Ed. 2d 274) A suit in detinue or replev in person-am should lie to gain possession of property seized by the state. (Civil Rights) Stephen, Pleading (3rd Am ed) p. 47, 52, 69, 74; Ames Lectures on legal history, p. 64, 71; Wilkins v. Despard, 5 Term Rep- 112; Roberts v. Withered, % Mod. 193, 12 Mod. 92.

CONFIRMED: The Original Thirteenth Amendment Was Ratified ...
13th Amendment | Constitution | US Law | LII / Legal ...

Amendment XIIISection 1.Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, ... U.S. Constitution 13th Amendment; 13th Amendment. Amendment XIII Section 1.

Oregon state Constitution Corporation state one has to born in the 48 state

13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Abolition of Slavery ...

13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Abolition of Slavery. The House Joint Resolution proposing the 13th amendment to the Constitution, January 31, 1865; ...

Apr 19, 2010 ... BAR stands for British Accreditation Registry Web of Justice ... Inner barrister, a sergeant or king's counsel who pleads within the bar. ..... free from British rule even today we are are still unconstitutional 1778 and illegally being ruled by the Queen of England.thru the courts
AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION - Essiac Tea Health Freedom Info

The laws of the United States recognize two kinds of money, namely coin and paper. The term dollars in specie means gold or silver coined dollars. Dollars in currency means dollars in notes or any paper money current in the community. (Trebilcock v. Wilson (1872)12 Wall. 687, 20 L. Ed. 460.)

NOTICE: This private email message, and any attachment(s) is covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. 2510-2521, and is for the sole use of the intended recipient and contains privileged and/or confidential information. To all public servants, including but not limited to Federal, State, or Local corporate government(s): I accept your oath of office as your firm and binding contract between you and me, one of the People, whereby you have promised to serve, protect, and defend me, guarantee all of my unalienable rights, and defend the Constitution for the united States of America. Any/all political, private, or public entities, International, Federal, State, or Local corporate government(s), private International Organization(s), Municipality(ies), Corporate agent(s), informant(s), investigator(s) et. al., and/or third party(ies) working in collusion by monitoring My (this email) email(s), and any other means of communication without My express written permission are barred from any review, use, disclosure, or distribution. With explicit reservation of all My rights, without prejudice and without recourse to any of My rights. Any omission does not constitute a waiver of any and/or all intellectual property rights or reserved rights

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