Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-25] of 114Posts from elisabeth, Astoria, NYelisabeth, Astoria, NY Next 25 Reply Elisabeth, Astoria, NY 8/5/10 re: George Will quote If someone is free of external restraints, but believe that freedom and immorality are equal values, for instance, that person may think he/she is free, while may actually be a slave. 1 Reply Elisabeth, Astoria, NY 6/29/10 re: Kenneth W. Royce quote Those who can't have It - or better yet: can't keep It (It's inalienable!) - either hate those who have It or say that "the grapes were green". 1 Reply Elisabeth, Astoria, NY 6/29/10 re: John Adams quote No demagogy or naïveness! Reply Elisabeth, Astoria, NY 6/29/10 re: Frederick Douglass quote Wow! 1 Reply Elisabeth, Astoria, NY 6/24/10 re: Herbert Spencer quote Agree. One point missing at "the greatest". But I understand Spencer's point: when you have no fear of the truth and face it in a properly manner, the supposedly existing fear gives way to better chances to solve a problem. Reply Elisabeth, Astoria, NY 6/24/10 re: George Washington quote "It is well worth a fair and full experiment." Only upon the assimilation of general - yet deep - principles can a people achieve individual freedom. Reply Elisabeth, Astoria, NY 6/10/10 re: David Starr Jordan quote That cannot be denied. Without "doing it", Wisdom is a waste. Of course, there is right moment to do something... 2 Reply Elisabeth, Astoria, NY 6/10/10 re: Confucius quote Sounds correct to me, but it is not all about learning and practice; there are other factors that make men different from one another down the road; Degree of Freedom and Opportunities are just two more I can think of. 1 Reply Elisabeth, Astoria, NY 6/1/10 re: Thomas Paine quote Great quote. I love Thomas Paine in History. "The fatigue" today, though, is different from the "the fatigue" of that time. The Founding Fathers made sure to set up a system that allows Americans to preserve the Freedom for which they paid a higher price. Reply Elisabeth, Astoria, NY 5/20/10 re: A. J. Liebling quote If it is true, I don't like it. But I do believe in the good distribution of power in this country and that even facts - if facts indeed - like those can be changed. On another matter, some people can take differences of opinions and still enjoy each others' company. I can and I do! I was not here when Reagan was President, but, from a distance, I could see people lived well and happily in this country! 2 Reply Elisabeth, Astoria, NY 5/20/10 re: Henry Steele Commager quote It's a good quotation. It is not talking bad about the U.S. at all. It is just touching it up with words that carry a connotation of freedom in them. Reply Elisabeth, Astoria, NY 5/18/10 re: Oscar Wilde quote I agree. Wilde is talking about men in general. The animal side of man is so. It takes special eyes, special ears, a special mind and humbleness to admit errors made simply because Reason was ignored. 2 Reply Elisabeth, Astoria, NY 5/18/10 re: Ronald Reagan quote Great, Mighty Ronald Reagan. People in many other countries get divided on sports, religion, etc., which bring them no advantages. It actually brings them disadvantages, as they get so distracted that they cannot see their power being taken away. 1 Reply Elisabeth, Astoria, NY 5/18/10 re: L. Neil Smith quote Vote and guns are equally important, in my opinion. The Founding Fathers wanted so and they know best for all times. 2 Reply Elisabeth, Astoria, NY 4/22/10 re: Thomas Jefferson quote "That love of order and obedience to the laws, which so remarkably characterize the citizens of the United States, are sure pledges of internal tranquility; and the elective granchise, if guarded as the ark of our safety, will peaceably dissipate all combinations to subvert a Constitution, dictated by the wisdom, and resting on the will of the people." Thomas Jefferson, 1801 2 Reply Elisabeth, Astoria, NY 4/22/10 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Great, Mighty, yet Humble Thomas Jefferson! Reply Elisabeth, Astoria, NY 4/22/10 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Isn't it a fact that that is the natural progress of things? So smart and noble of Great Thomas Jefferson to remind the people of the natural progress of things, so people will keep an eye on the Government. 1 Reply Elisabeth, Astoria, NY 4/21/10 re: Benjamin Franklin quote Wow! Bingo! Reply Elisabeth, Astoria, NY 4/21/10 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Adorable! 1 Reply Elisabeth, Astoria, NY 4/21/10 re: Archibald MacLeish quote I agree. In order to have your dream fulfilled, first you have to have a dream. Americans have a dream and never give it up! Reply Elisabeth, Astoria, NY 4/7/10 re: C. S. Lewis quote Two stars drop and fall onto the fact that many get to the top filled with good intentions to help the poor, but fail because of wrong approaches, not because of selfishness or cruelty. Reply Elisabeth, Astoria, NY 4/6/10 re: Walter Lippmann quote This is all very interesting. I must read it later. Reply Elisabeth, Astoria, NY 4/6/10 re: Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoi quote Simple, direct and correct. I understand those whose thumbs are down, but either you live in Capitalism, in Socialism or in Communism. And just the United States has states with different degrees of freedom, so must the world, so that people may choose. So far, it looks like people or their ancestors have chosen the United States the most... 1 Reply Elisabeth, Astoria, NY 4/2/10 re: Edmund Burke quote Interesting ratio: The higher the moral chains men put on their appetites : the lower their appetites for immorality : the higher their qualification for liberty. The questions rests on the agent of the passive voice. When we say "Men are qualified...", the agent of the passive voice (who qualifies men?) is important. If Government is to decide about the qualification for freedom, men will never grow out of their mistakes of immorality and even those who are moral and deserve freedom will be deprived of it. (Three stars only because the quote misses the agent of the passive voice). Reply Elisabeth, Astoria, NY 4/1/10 re: Thomas Jefferson quote He made Americans, not only America! Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print